May 16, 2010

Random Romance Sunday: Wash That Gray Right Out Of Her Hair

The Book: Passion Moon Rising by Rebecca Brandewyne

The Particulars: Pocket Books, February 1988, Out of Print

The Blurb:
Violet-eyed, silver-haired, she was graced with beauty, pride and passion… born with a great gift and a rare destiny...

He lived by his courage and his instincts; and from the moment he gazed on Ileana, he knew nothing would vanquish his desire. In each other's arms, they shared a rich and wondrous love that brought them to exquisite ecstasy. But in a fierce and fiery clash of wills, their union was torn by betrayal and mistrust. Now, as their kingdoms are plunged into the terror of war, they must take up the only weapon that can save their world - the power that blazes in the blackest of nights ...the gleaming sword of love!
Is It In Wendy's TBR?: Uh, no. Although I'm pretty sure I have an Old School western by Brandewyne floating around here somewhere.....

Any Reviews?: Taken from author's web site....

Publisher's Weekly said:
An unusual vision of the future....This is a remarkably imaginative book.
Locus said:
This novel is filled with bits and pieces of various cultures, occult philosophies, fantasy and science fiction tradition....[romance writer] Rebecca Brandewyne shows an understanding of the fantasy form rare in a non-genre writer.
Anything Else?: Apparently the first book in the author's The Chronicles of Tintagel series, I'll be honest here: I'm spotlighting this one because of the completely over-the-top Old School cover art. From what I can gather from the blurb and bits of reviews, this story is a mix of fantasy and futuristic - which I guess explains why the heroine has hot white hair. That's how you can tell she has magical powers dontcha know.

I also am mesmerized by the background. What exactly are these cover models standing in front of? I'm thinking it might be retro 1970s-eye-bleed-inducing wallpaper in the hallway of Warrior Prince Cain's Granny's house. Right before the photo shoot she probably offered her Warrior Prince grandson and Cherished Princess Ilena some hard candy of indiscriminate age that's been sitting in the living room candy dish long enough to collect dust.

Seriously, I think I might be on to something with that one.


Shiloh Walker said...

there's something in the background that looks like a giant, magnified mold spore.

I don't wanna live on that world if that's what the mold looks like.

JamiSings said...

Castles and purple danelions and Trojan horse manes - OH MY!

ms bookjunkie said...

I've read this. In fact, I still *own* this. However, I've never gotten my hands on anything else in the series, and if I recall correctly, the book ended in the middle of something that really -and I mean REALLY- called for closure.

(I might be off in my recollections as I read the book before Y2K.)

Anonymous said...

It's looks like Mr. T's younger, hotter brother getting it on with EmmyLou Harris.

Gah! It is the covers like this that helped give romance novels the bad rap that still lingers today. Even if the writing was exceptional, who could take that cover seriously?

Kristie (J) said...

Along with the over-the-top cover art, there's the over-the-top title and the over-the-top blurb. And also there's her over-the-top hair

Anonymous said...

I can't stop staring at her "silver" hair. I think I see a giant dandelion in the background, a purple one.

LibraryMaven said...

I think she never finished this series. There was a second book "Beyond the Starlit Frost" published in 1991 which reviewers didn't like so I guess she never finished the series. Supposedly this was the world LONG, LONG after a war destroyed everything and the second book goes into a rant against technology.

The pictures up on the web of her show masses of curly blond hair everywhere including a memorable of her seemingly wearing nothing but feathers.

Since nothing on the internet ever dies there's also her in a black fur, in leather, etc.

Wendy said...

Merrily following Joy's linkage (wowzers on that picture btw) - Brandewyne published a book as recently as 2009 - a Silhouette Nocturne, From The Mists of Wolf Creek. The hero's name in that one is priceless - Trace Coltrane. If that doesn't scream "Old School," frankly, nothing does :)

nath said...

Well at least, the silver hair is taking from the story. It's not out of the blues!! Although yeah, wouldn't have picked up that book based on the cover ^_^;

SarahT said...

That is one scary 'do!

Janine Ballard said...

I always wondered why the third book in this series was never published, as well as the third book in her Wuthering Heights-influenced series which began with Upon a Moon-Dark Moor and continued with Across a Starlit Sea.

Joy, how was it related to the reviews? Did the publisher decide not to bring out the third book or did Brandewyne decide she didn't want to do it? Also, do you know what happened with her other uncompleted series?