Here's a thought: do you think maybe the ratings have slagged a bit because of your Let's Put Jay Leno On Every Blessed Night At 10PM debacle and the fact that you kept playing Russian roulette with their time slot? (Wednesdays? Fridays? No wait! It's Mondays!). And have you actually watched the show recently? Ever since they brought in the yummers Linus Roache, moved Jack McCoy into the DA job, and went back to two male cops (seriously, the Beauty Queen chick damn near killed me), the show has been surprisingly fresh. Hell, the chemistry between McCoy, Cutter and Rubirosa is reason enough to make it appointment TV.
And of course, now you're thinking of canceling it.
Give Dick Wolf however much money he wants, because as your executives should realize by now - it's all about making Wendy happy.
And you don't want to see me when I'm not happy. Just sayin'.
You tell 'em, sister!
I am soooooo not happy with this. The bouncing ball of a time slot was beyond annoying. And I agree, the chemistry in the DA's office and in the squad room are prime with the current combination of characters. Though I enjoy Cutter, I don't understand why they didn't make Connie Rubirosa the lead ADA. That was a tad disappointing, but I won't hold a grudge.
Give it another season, NBC! You won't be sorry!
I'm also a Law and Order fan who has just recently been able to see it again due to the HDTV conversion drama. Omitting long, sad story about how NBC moved its broacasts out of San Francisco for those with with no cable--buying a converter box last year and suddenly ONLY being able to get NBC and occasionally ABC...wait I just told the long story--LOL!
Anyway for a few years I missed Law and Order. When I could receive it again, it was like renewing an old friendship. Now that I can see it again, they're canceling it! No!
Eh, I haven't really kept up with L&O since Lenny left.
Now SVU however.... though I wish they were heavier on Munch episodes. Benson and Stabler get on my nerves. I love me some Munch! And Finn is the perfect foil for Munch's craziness.
Not to be Debbie Downer to your Miss Crabby Pants, but it's official:
Hey - you never know - someone else might pick it up just like USA did with Criminal Intent.
Oh, and thanks for reminding me that I need a pick of crabby Cecilia for your blog. :)
Yeah! What Wendy said!
Sigh. Yes, it's official. They've canceled original Law & Order. This gives Wendy a sad - and chops My Must See TV down to like four shows.
On the bright side, maybe I'll get more reading done?
Jami: I had a brief, torrid affair with SVU mostly because of Munch (I used to watch Homicide: Life On The Streets back in the day). I stopped watching right around the time Stabler's marriage hit the skids - and then we seemed to get a lot more Stabler and Benson "baggage." Which frankly, wasn't why I was tuning into the show, so I tuned out.
There's now a Save Law & Order page over at Facebook - LOL. And I'm such a sad, desperate sack that I joined it. Tomorrow, I get a life.
Well, I could make it worse by mentioning that they are serious about Law & Order: Los Angeles.
Didn't help? Ok, sorry...
Heroes got canned too. Not that I cared too much. As long as CBS keeps on with Criminal Minds and CSI, I'm happy.
I have to tell my son about the save Law and Order page. While I really like it and am sad at it's cancellation - I prefer SVU - Brent is a maniac about the original and is MR Crabby Pants about it being cancelled.
So sorry about Law & Order. I think they also pulled the plug on Heroes too.
I can't believe NBC was so stupid to cancel it. They could have laid claim to being the network with the longest running television show ever! I admit I haven't watched the show much in the last few years, like Jamie I was a BIG Lennie fan and the show was never the same for me after he left. I don't watch SVU anymore, got sick of Stabler and Benson and got mad when there was less Munch (I, too, watched Homicide in its day). I only watched CI when Logan was on it but have stuck around to watch more it now. This just proves why NBC is so low in the ratings.
My sympathies. I always wonder exactly who (whom?) they're catering to these days. I guess I should be grateful for mediocre network TV, as it gives me more time to read, grade, plan, and (theoretically) write.
My husband and I only watch three shows, and we cringe every time "Chuck" comes up on the chopping block.
Okay, just wondering though... haven't Law & Order been around forever?
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