Amazon discontinued the ability to create images using their SiteStripe feature and in their infinite wisdom broke all previously created images on 12/31/23. Many blogs used this feature, including this one. Expect my archives to be a hot mess of broken book cover images until I can slowly comb through 20 years of archives to make corrections.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

#TBRChallenge 2024: The Theme Poll Is Now Open!

Y'all it's November. I know! That means it's time to start thinking about planning for the 2024 TBR Challenge.

Back in the halcyon days of 2011, when I took over hosting the TBR Challenge, I came up with all the optional themes. Some got recycled year-to-year, and then I'd sprinkle in a few newbies. Then my job got more demanding, the hellscape that was 2020 happened, and I hit a wall. So a few years ago I started opening up a poll for you all, happy residents of Romancelandia, to throw out theme suggestions - and it's honestly been one of the smarter things I've ever done.  Some suggestions get lifted wholesale, while other theme suggestions get tweaked slightly - but the last couple of years it has made planning the TBR Challenge easier - to which I thank you all immensely.

The poll is now open via a handy Google Form.  I will keep it open through the month of November, and likely close it in early December to finalize the themes and get everything ready for 2024 TBR Challenge sign-ups.


azteclady said...


(please don't hate me)

azteclady said...

(I'm having far too much fun with these--two full sets so far!)

S. said...

Hello Wendy!
I'm glad the TBR Challenge will happen next year too! Yay :)
I've submitted my ideas - not very imaginative, though...

Wendy said...

Thank you both! Honestly, any suggestions are a big help. Even if I don't use a suggestion verbatim, it tends to spark my own imagination and I use it with some slight tweaks.

Jill said...

Thank you for hosting for another year, Wendy! I appreciate the motivation to tackle the TBR,which mysteriously seems to grow. . .

Jen Twimom said...

Thanks for doing this year after year. I'm going to enter some ideas... maybe one year it will be a good suggestion. ;-)

Jen Twimom said...

Thanks so much for doing this year after year! I am enjoying it and the themes are fun. I'll go add a suggestion and maybe this year one will work for the challenge! ;-)

Wendy said...

Jill: I'm currently thinking about if I want to declare 2024 The Year of My TBR. It's ridiculous how many books I own between print and digital - and then I end up getting distracted by the new and the shiny I have access to at my Day Job.

Jen: I've taken a peak at the entries so far and I've received a lot of great suggestions. I think I'll have no problem filling out 12 months of Challenge themes for 2024.