I spent last weekend up in the Bay Area, talking with the local San Francisco Area Romance Writers of America chapter. They partnered me with a local independent bookseller, and it was billed as a way for members to learn the "other side" of the publishing industry. I think it went well. At least I hope it went well. I covered everything from why libraries are important (and why people should care), the state of our staffing (thin), the state of our budgets (sad), how we do business (from a purchasing standpoint), how we make ordering decisions (read promo and reviews until our eyes bleed), who authors should find at libraries (the person in charge of ordering), how we feel about self-publishing (we're coming around but there are years of dealing with crack-pots writing manifestos that we need to overcome) and digital (a clusterf*ck).
Basically I reassured authors that any librarian with a brain in their head doesn't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. What I've found rather annoying with the cluster that is digital lending is seeing librarians online making sweeping statements like: "Harpercollins is screwing us with digital so I'm going to stop buying all things Harpercollins in all formats!!!!!" Um, yeah - no. We're librarians. I'm, at least, a public librarian. Yeah, I'm just going to stop buying Julia Quinn, Eloisa James and Stephanie Laurens. That'll go over real well.
I call this Killing The Browser.
Yeah, I'm still ordering lots of titles and you can find them all in the catalog, but if you're the type of person who just wanders into the library, goes straight to the stacks, and picks up books that look kinda cool? Yeah, I'm killing you. I don't want to kill you, since that's the type of library user I've always been: The Browser.
Oh Lord, I'm killing myself!
So basically the lesson is, librarians are cranky right now and we're crankin' it up all over the Internet.
Wait a minute, that doesn't sound so good......
Anyway, I think it went well, and hopefully those in attendance took away at least one helpful nugget of information from the discussion.
After the meeting, I got to spend the rest of my time in the city with the lovely @SonomaLass, @JanetNorCal, @JocelynZombie and world famous author, Carolyn Jewel. There was window shopping in Berkley and a lovely dinner at Janet's house where we knocked back a couple bottles of wine and talked books, of course! The titles were flying fast and furious! Pamela Morsi's older historicals got a lot of love (notably, Simple Jess, Courting Miss Hattie and Wild Oats). Plus I named-dropped Montana Wife by Jillian Hart since it featured a widowed heroine whose first marriage was a love match (a romance novel rarity!). It was also nice to talk to Janet about The Book That Shall Not Be Named (::coughFiftyShadescough::) and get a sane perspective on the whole phenomenon. In short? It's hitting a nerve and striking a chord for readers who had no idea such books existed. More power to them I say.
It was a great evening, and more than worth the fact that I only got five hours of sleep that night (damn you Daylight Savings Time ::shakes fist::). Special thanks to SonomaLass and Carolyn for giving up their whole Saturday on me. It was a fabulous time!
In other news? Work is sucking out my soul (not nearly as much fun as it sounds), I'm not reading, and I still need to file my tax returns. So yeah, my brain is melting. Blogging inspiration, let alone time to blog is just not happening. But on the bright side, the first televised Tigers Spring Training game is waiting for me at home, and Justified has been awesome sauce this season. Plus, there's still plenty of chocolate and tea in the world for me to consume.
Now if I could just find more hours in the day, life would be golden.
It was such a pleasure to have your company! I bought that Jillian Hart so darn fast! It was wonderful. Come back soon :)Janet
Hey, I loved Simple Jess! Generally though, I'm not a fan of Western Historicals. Do Courting Miss Hattie and Wild Oats have a similar appeal to Simple Jess, do you think?
*I'm bookmarking your reviews of them to read later.
Janet: The way this week has been I wish I was still in the Bay Area! I don't need a vacation so much as a couple of days to burrow into a hole somewhere and play hermit.
MaryK: If you liked the setting and "feel" of Simple Jess then yes! Go out and find Courting Miss Hattie and Wild Oats. They're definitely more "Americana" than western. Says me.
My Courting Miss Hattie "review" is more of a blurb. The Wild Oats review is full-fledged. I read it for the TBR Challenge back in 2010 :)
Hmm, it wasn't the setting. I did like the feel, but mainly it was the characters. I found them very compelling.
Here's hoping it all gets better (or at least stops going downhill)
Then yes, look for the others :) Similar sort of "salt of the Earth" characters. Just generally nice, hard-working people. I will say I actually prefer Courting Miss Hattie a teeny bit over Simple Jess, but honestly that's me splitting hairs.
AL: I'm just frazzled right now. Getting our taxes done should go a long way in relieving part of my stress.
Sounds like you had a great time, Wendy! So happy for you :) And sorry to hear the job is sucking your soul ^_^; I'm sure you'll survive it though! :)
Nice blog. As a librarian you might be interested in the word play involved in cryptic crosswords. I am doing a series of posts on solving cryptic clues. This was the first one I did. http://caroleschatter.blogspot.co.nz/2012/01/cryptic-crosswords-solving-hints-1.html Hope you enjoy.
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