June 20, 2010

Random Romance Sunday: Wanted: Sexy Sheriff

The Book: Jack Murray, Sheriff by Janice Kay Johnson

The Particulars: Harlequin SuperRomance #913, 2000, Out Of Print

The Blurb:
Sheriff Jack Murray isn't the man for her...

Beth Sommers isn't looking for love.

She's concentrating on her daughters and her business -- and on convincing her ex-husband that their marriage really is over. Even if she was looking, it wouldn't be at a man like Sheriff Jack Murray.

She knows Jack's a good cop, a good man... one she can count on. She still figures she'll be better off with a quiet, gentle -- maybe even slightly boring -- guy. She's already had enough excitement to last her a lifetime.

But before long, Jack has her thinking that his kind of excitement is exactly what she needs.
Is It In Wendy's TBR?: Shockingly, no. But more on that in a minute...

Any Reviews?: Why, yes! RT gave this one 4.5 Stars:
Janice Kay Johnson adds a special touch to a problem ripped out of today's headlines with memorable characters, strong interplay and a few heart-stopping moments.
But the real meat and potatoes review can be found over at TRR, written by the lovely and incomparable Linda Mowery, who gave this one 4 Hearts (equivalent to a B grade):
During the first half of Jack Murray, Sheriff, I was mesmerized. As much as I like humor in a book, this serious, intense story had me hooked. I didn't laugh, didn't grin and didn't put the story down. Wow! Too bad the heroine had to go squirrely on me during the second half....

Jack Murray, Sheriff
is refreshing in its honesty, its intensity and the depth used to explore second chances. Perhaps the second half will read as effortlessly for you as the first half did for me. If so, you're in for a real treat.
Anything Else?: I'll admit that I decided to highlight this book because the title tickled me. Jack Murray, Sheriff. Like Bond, James Bond. How about Mike, Plumber? Steve, Firefighter? Carlos, Real Estate Tycoon? Heck, I can keep this up all day folks!

Josh, IT Geek?

Bob, CPA?

Doug, Lawyer?

OK, I'll stop now.

Having only recently discovered her, I was naturally overjoyed to learn that Johnson tends to specialize in highly-charged, highly-emotional reads. Yeah, be warned that if you're "one of those" who like to tell me that all category romance is mindless fluff, I'm likely to chuck a JKJ novel at your head. Which might be OK for you, since JKJ is kickass, plus I throw like a girl. The experience isn't likely to be all that painful for you.

The only thing that has stopped me from falling into a full-blown glom with this author (besides my already ginormous TBR Mountain Range) is holy cow! This woman's backlist is huge! Although I have already managed to collect six of them. I'm trying to pace myself and not fall completely off the deep end. But heck, we all know it's likely just a matter of time...

If it hasn't happened already....

Oh hell, who am I kidding?


SarahT said...

Count me in as a fellow Janice Kay Johnson fan! This one sounds wonderful. It's a shame it's OOP.

I know Harlequin have actively solicited suggestions from readers regarding which titles to include in their digital backlist program. It's worth asking them if they'd consider re-releasing some of JKJ's books.

*Goddess* said...

I have been looking for this book! I read it and the one thing that stuck out in my mind was how the heroine was unsettled by the cop subduing her ex, and she worried he might become abusive towards her, but I didn't know the title.

I like JKJ, also, and the fact that she has lawmen heroes in a lot of her books.


Tracy S said...

I love JKJ books and I LOVE this book! It's on my keeper shelf to stay! He's one of those guys that's a good guy but doesn't think he is because of something he did as a teenager that he perceives as cowardly. I love that kind of hero--one that doesn't realize he is one.

Kaetrin said...

Is there some domestic abuse in the heroine's background?

Hey, the guy on the cover looks a bit like a young Scott Bakula (you know, the guy from Quantum Leap?)...

I'll have to keep any eye out.

Good luck with the pacing.. (smirks)

Victoria Janssen said...

I have collected, ummm, MORE than six. I'm saving most of them for special occasions.


If you can't find certain ones, drop me a line and I can root through my TBR.

Wendy said...

Sarah: You would not believe my backlog of HSR in my TBR. It's almost as awe-inspiring as my HH collection.

Goddess: Woot! Glad you got the answer to "what was that book?" question.

Kaetrin: I believe there is some domestic abuse in the heroine's background. An ass of an ex-husband who wants her back (from what I gathered reading reviews).

Mayberry Mom & Victoria: Neither of you is helping ;)

I know I can probably score her entire backlist via PaperbackSwap, I'm just trying to...restrain myself. I'm getting to the point where space is getting to be a serious issue. Eeep!

Read faster Wendy!

Unknown said...

I have read about 3 of her books and I have liked them all.

M said...

Wendy, I think you should take pictures of your TBR and share...just sayin'.

Also, I don't need you to make mine any bigger, plzkthx. So stop with the recs already.

Wendy said...

Holly: I have posted TBR pics before...but it's been a long while. And...uh...probably a couple hundred books ago. Oy!

I'm also long overdue for another weeding. I should probably make that a summer time project. I go through and weed out the TBR every so often - dumping authors that I've discovered "don't work for me," or plot devices that are starting to annoy etc.