There she is. Regular Bat Cave followers will recognize Little Miss Crabby Pants, the cranky lil' girl whose photo gets displayed when I'm particularly unthrilled about something. I wish I could say I know who she is - I don't. I found her while trolling around the site I use for image hosting, and since she bears a striking resemblance to my mother's side of the family, I sort of adopted her as my own.
Plus, that dress she's wearing tickles me.
Well, Lil' Sis is quite fond of Little Miss Crabby Pants, and told me the other day she had plans to snap a photo of my baby niece, Cecelia, when she's in full blown cranky, I'm-so-not-happy mode. This is what greeted me when I checked my e-mail last night:

Oooooh, someone is NOT happy with life! Lil' Sis told me that when she makes this disgusted face, my niece also makes a snorting noise. Which actually ruins the effect she's shooting for, since Lil' Sis ends up laughing at her.
No doubt Cecelia will eventually spend years in therapy because her Mommy laughed at her when she made snorting noises as an almost 2-month old.
And holy cow, is that kid porking out! I'm going to start calling her Porky McChubbikins.
Thank you for making me smile today. I needed it! What a cutie!
I was called Queen Chubb and "Ten Ton Twinkle Toes" by my family -- alas, the statute of limitations prevents my recovery of therapy costs for these nicknames!
Be sure to get Cecilia a dress just like that, when she's big enough.
Awww, what a sweetie. As for the lasting effects of laughing at her? I'm a little scared about that one for my kids... guess you can figure out why :) I choose to tell myself there can be no lasting effects of laughing at your kids well into their teens.
Porky McChubbikins?? Well, I call her a fatty boombalatti so I'm not much better. :) I wish I could spell "chubby cheeks" in Turkish since that's what Oz calls her - it sounds like "tom-beshea."
please add me to the Little Miss Crabby Pants fan club! in fact i love a lot of your other images too, like Wendy saying "bitch please"
and omg your neice is adorbs!
Crabby or not, she's still adorable!
I thought we were suppose to make fun of our kids. I call my kids goofy and dorky all the time. They tease me about my lack of video games skills so it all evens out. :)
OMG what a cutie!! I love that picture! LOL
What a riot of a picture. It must have started your day out with quite a laugh.
Oh thanks for the big smile this AM, Wendy. Love the nickname... she's a cutie!
Awww, she's sooo cute!! LOL.
I'm with lustyreader. I think all the icons you use are fab. Love the pin up stuff.
Awww, see Lil' Sis? Other people think Cecelia is cute - not just her family :)
My Man thinks she resembles our gene pool in that photo. Gee, I wonder what he's implying? LOL! We walk around looking cranky all the time?!
Oh, how cute! Probably not what one should say to a baby in full-blown cranky mode, but she does look adorable.
In my perfect politically correct persona I should say you'll traumatize this kid for life if she happens to develop a weight problem but the other side of my personality just says awww, isn't she CUTE, even in crabby mode...but I don't have to try to calm her down and put her down for a nap. Though looking at that picture again, I must say I do feel like that some days. A perfect Miss Crabbypants circa baby.
Lynn: She's consistent with her cranky. She tends to meltdown right before bedtime!
Joy: Heh - we'll rein in the name-calling when she gets older, no doubt :) With our family tree, no need to heap on another excuse to have her running to the nearest therapist.....
OMG that picture of your niece is adorable - even if she's not happy at all! :)
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