May 2, 2008

The Super Secret Project

If you're a regular over at The Good The Bad and The Unread, you already know they've declared 2008 The Year Of Harlequin. Michelle Styles has been swinging by with monthly Harlequin Insider columns, there was a whole mess of Silhouette Nocturne guest posts and reviews in March, Silhouette Special Edition got the treatment in April and.....

May is the Harlequin SuperRomance Spotlight!

Now, who do you think Sybil asked to handle that spotlight? Any guesses? Who better than a Super Librarian? One who has publicly stated more than a few times that HSR is one of her very favorite lines?

So be sure to check out the HSR Spotlight all month long - cuz damn, I've put in a lot of work on it. My introduction is up today, there are two interviews with HSR authors in the can, a couple of guest posts to hopefully follow as well, and reviews! I gots books to review. So stop on by. Leave comments. Oh, and did I mention there's a chance to win free books? Books that are currently sitting on my dining room table? Yeah, be sure to stop on by.


azteclady said...


Barbs said...

have a great month now with all that hard work!