April 30, 2008

Going Viral

Big news here at the Bat Cave: Super Librarian is going viral! Just when you thought it was safe to wander around on the interwebs.

Head on over to The Good The Bad The Unread to read my review of Twisted by Andrea Kane. Yeah, Sybil roped me into it. Literally. She conked me over the head with a blunt object (I believe it was a tire iron). I've agreed to do the occasional review for her and I'm heading up a special project that is launching on Friday. I'm going to be cryptic for now cuz honestly, you only have to wait until Friday. I will say though that it will last the whole month of May, I have several books to review because of it, and there are freebies to give away. If you're a regular over at TGTBTU, this really shouldn't be all that hard to figure out.

In the meantime, you'll notice on the sidebar I added a spot for any Super Librarian TGTBTU links. Just for all you groupies out there. Enjoy!


azteclady said...

I saw that!!!

That Sybil has a way with the heavy blunt objects, doesn't she? :wink:

sybil said...

dude you make me sound like a virus.... HEY!