Amazon discontinued the ability to create images using their SiteStripe feature and in their infinite wisdom broke all previously created images on 12/31/23. Many blogs used this feature, including this one. Expect my archives to be a hot mess of broken book cover images until I can slowly comb through 20 years of archives to make corrections.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Reminder: #TBRChallenge Day is June 19!

TBR Challenge 2024

Wednesday, June 19 marks the official halfway point (yikes!) of the 2024 TBR Challenge! This month's optional theme is Bananapants!

This is another suggestion that came out of my Annual Theme Poll and boy howdy, it's a doozy.  Be it wacky, zany, WTFBBQ, or Oh-No-She-Didn't, Bananapants is all about the plots that you have to see and read with your own eyes to believe they actually exist. For all you Bodice Ripper, Harlequin Presents and Monster Erotica fans out there - THIS IS THE MONTH YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! 🤣

However, remember that the themes are totally optional. Maybe you just want a nice, small town contemporary.  A nice lovely romance about two people falling in love where the hero isn't concocting some bizarre revenge plot because the heroine's Daddy killed his pet gold fish.  Hey, you do you! The goal of the challenge has been, and always will be, to read something (anything!) that's been languishing in your mountain range of unread books. 

It is certainly not too late to join the Challenge (to be honest it's never too late).  You can get more details and get links to the current list of participants on the #TBRChallenge 2024 Information Page


Jen Twimom said...

Accidentally sleeping with the wrong twin, but he's the one you have always loved... I thought that might fit the theme.

azteclady said...

I'm going with "the premise per the blurb is bananapants, lets see how it goes" for mine--it's an ARC for a book that came out in 2013, that I've had since uhm...2017? hoping it works for me, as I don't really know *why* I have it...

Whiskeyinthejar said...


I've got my snackies, blankie, drinkies, and DO NOT DISTURB going on tonight as I start my pick. I went with High Energy by Dara Joy and it better deliver.

Wendy said...

Excellent choices, all - but Whiskey might win here because nothing says bananapants quite like a Dara Joy 🤣

I've got quite a bit in my TBR that would have qualified (old school historicals, a good chunk of my Black Lace erotica collection) but who am I kidding? Of course the plan is to read a Harlequin Presents.

azteclady said...

... so that was a bust.

I shall take another dive into the humongous TBR cordillera of doom.

::panic intensifies::

Wendy said...

AL: Remember, DNFs count towards the TBR Challenge!

azteclady said...

Well, it was more "don't wanna start" than "don't wanna finish", so I grabbed something else--and wouldn't you know it, it's very much bananapants *and* I'm reading it in big gulps, so it's a much better choice all around.