Amazon discontinued the ability to create images using their SiteStripe feature and in their infinite wisdom broke all previously created images on 12/31/23. Many blogs used this feature, including this one. Expect my archives to be a hot mess of broken book cover images until I can slowly comb through 20 years of archives to make corrections.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Reminder: #TBRChallenge Day is May 15

TBR Challenge 2024

Broken record time. I was out of town with family when April's reminder post went up, and the same thing is happening in May. By the time this post goes live hopefully I'll have actually managed to pick out my read and oh, maybe read it while traveling. Hope springs eternal because I seem to be a slump right now. Sigh.  Here's hoping I land on something great to read while I'm trapped on an airplane because our next #TBRChallenge Day is set for Wednesday, May 15. This month's optional theme is With a Little Help From My Friends.

This is another suggestion that came out of my Annual Theme Poll, so put your thinking caps on to decide how you're going to spin this one.  A few options that came to my mind include a book that features friendships, a book that's part of a series featuring a group of friends, the Friends To Lovers trope, or maybe a book recommended to you by a friend.

However if you feel like this month's theme is too much like work 😂, remember that the themes are completely optional. The goal of the challenge has been, and always will be, to read something (anything!) that's been languishing in your mountain range of unread books. 

It is certainly not too late to join the Challenge (to be honest it's never too late).  You can get more details and get links to the current list of participants on the #TBRChallenge 2024 Information Page


Jen Twimom said...

I cheated a bit and actually read my book at the end of April. I have a bunch of review books for mid-May and took advantage of the slow week to get it in. I picked a buddy cozy mystery that's been on my TBR since 2018. I hope everyone gets a kick out of it!

azteclady said...

Ha! I'm pondering my choice still, but the whole "part of a series about a group of friends" was the first one that sprang to mind. A second choice looks to feature friendships prominently, but it's not a romance at all.

We'll see if I manage to choose, read and review that choice by Wednesday.

Whiskeyinthejar said...

I might actually be able to give myself more than 24hrs to read my pick this time! I picked Simple Jess by Pamela Morsi for this one because the synopsis had this part in it The last thing widow Althea Winsloe wanted to do was remarry. Unfortunately, her meddlesome mountain neighbors had other plans. So, one autumn night they banded together and gave Althea a shocking ultimatum: She was to find herself a husband by Christmas...or the town would do it for her!
Sounds like friends "helping" her out, lol.
Can't wait to read about everyone's picks!

azteclady said...

@WhiskeyInTheJar: Simple Jess is a perennial old-timey romancelandia favorite; it's been on my radar for ages. I look forward to your review!

Wendy said...

Jen: That's not cheating - that's being ahead of the curve!

AL: I was thinking "series about a group of friends" but ultimately went with old reliable "friends to lovers."

Whiskey: I'm looking forward to your review! I read Simple Jess a billion years ago (pretty sure pre-blogging) and really loved it. Curious to see if it "holds up."