Amazon discontinued the ability to create images using their SiteStripe feature and in their infinite wisdom broke all previously created images on 12/31/23. Many blogs used this feature, including this one. Expect my archives to be a hot mess of broken book cover images until I can slowly comb through 20 years of archives to make corrections.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Reminder: #TBRChallenge Day is September 21

Hey, hey, hey it's that time of the month again - #TBRChallenge time! The next Challenge is set for Wednesday, September 21.  This month's (always) optional theme is Animals.

This was another suggestion that came out of the theme poll I ran last year, and is all about those furry, fluffy animal companions that sometimes crop up in romance novels. Or maybe it could mean your average Harlequin Presents hero 😂.  See? You really can interpret these themes however you wish!

However, the themes are completely optional. I gotta be honest, this month's theme is going to take some work for me since I seem to not purchase single title contemporaries with dogs on the covers and I'm probably not alone here.  Hey, it's OK!  Remember the goal of the challenge has been, and always will be, to read something (anything!) that's been languishing in your mountain range of unread books. The themes are just for fun 😉

It's not too late to participate in this year's Challenge!  If you're interested or you just want to follow along with those participating, be sure to check out the TBR Challenge 2022 Information Page


Jen Twimom said...

After a two-month hiatus, I'll be back! (I better get reading!)

azteclady said...

It's Sunday evening, past my bedtime.

Have I started something for this month's challenge? No.

Am I determined to have something up regardless? YA BETCHA.

Wendy said...

I somehow managed to finish my TBR Challenge read and review over the weekend. For once I'm ahead of the game 😆

azteclady said...

Yay for being ahead of the game! Here's for that trend to long continue.