Amazon discontinued the ability to create images using their SiteStripe feature and in their infinite wisdom broke all previously created images on 12/31/23. Many blogs used this feature, including this one. Expect my archives to be a hot mess of broken book cover images until I can slowly comb through 20 years of archives to make corrections.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Reminder: #TBRChallenge Day is April 20!


Hey, hey, hey it's that time of the month again - #TBRChallenge time! The next Challenge is set for Wednesday, April 20.  This month's (always) optional theme is Location, Location, Location.

This was a suggestion that came out of the theme poll I ran last year and is a slight tweak to the previous "unusual" themes we've had in the past.  Like a good real estate agent, this month's theme is all about setting and location.  That could be a tropical island, the beautiful Mediterranean, an imposing English castle, heck even outer space! - this month is all about a setting that's calling to you.

This month's theme honestly can be spun any which direction you want - even if you do want to read a romance set in a non-descript small town with 20 cupcake shops - but no matter, remember the themes are completely optional.  If thinking about setting feels like too much work (I get it!) remember that the goal of the challenge has been, and always will be, to read something (anything!) that's been languishing in your mountain range of unread books.

It's not too late to sign up for this year's Challenge!  If you're interested or you just want to follow along with those participating, be sure to check out the TBR Challenge 2022 Information Page


azteclady said...

That feeling when you've had to book chosen for over a month, yet it's the Saturday before and you haven't started reading it yet...

Wendy said...

I just chose my book yesterday and started reading. Praise the Lord it's holding my attention. My reading truly has been the pits so far this year :(

Lover Of Romance said...

I love the monthly themes to this challenge and I love choosing unique locations. I have been wanting to read a TL Swan set in Italy though. So I might join in.

I hope you have fun with this theme!

Wendy said...

LOR: I did! I went with a Harlequin Presents set in Italy - LOL