August 11, 2017

Reminder: #TBRChallenge for August 2017

For those of you participating in the 2017 TBR Challenge, this is a reminder that your commentary is "due" on Wednesday, August 16.  This month's theme is Kicking It Old School.

This means any book in your TBR that was published, at least, 10 years ago.  And get ready to weep that means 2007.  

But what if you don't have anything that fits the time frame in your TBR?  First, let me just say I'm overcome with jealousy.  Second, I'm not sure you're human.  But hey,  no problem! Remember: the themes are optional!  The whole point of the TBR Challenge is to read something, anything, that has been languishing for far too long.

You can find more information about the challenge, and see the list of participants, on the 2017 Information Page.  (And it's never too late to sign-up!)

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