June 16, 2017

Reminder: #TBRChallenge for June

For those of you participating in the 2017 TBR Challenge, this is a reminder that your commentary is "due" on Wednesday, June 21.  This month's theme is Favorite Trope.

This is the month to go rooting around in the TBR to look for your favorite catnip.  Are you a sucker for friends-to-lovers?  Amnesia?  Secret Babies?  Motorcycle Clubs?  Beauty and the Beast?  Whatever gets your motor revving - this is the month to unearth it from the TBR.

But what if you've read every single of your favorite trope in your TBR?  Well, if you don't have a second favorite....remember: the themes are optional!  The whole point of the TBR Challenge is to read something, anything, that has been languishing for far too long.

You can find more information about the challenge, and see the list of participants, on the 2017 Information Page.  (And it's never too late to sign-up!)


azteclady said...

I managed to do a TBR Challenge review this month, and on time!!!

...with just the smallest bit of cheating possible.

Wendy said...

I barely squeaked in at the finish line. And I mean barely. As in, finished the book at 10PM night before. Sigh.