August 1, 2016

Link-O-Rama-Jama: Book Thingo Podcast, Unusual Historicals & Archives

One of highlights of attending the RT Book Lover's Convention was getting to meet fellow bloggers who I hadn't met in person yet.  One such blogger was Kat from Book Thingo, an Australian institution in the romance community.  She asked to record a podcast with me, and given that I never can seem to pass up an opportunity to blather on about romance novels (and there's a lot of blathering...), I said yes.  So we commandeered an empty conference room and viola!  This is the result.

A minor correction - I'm no longer selecting adult fiction for Orange County, but that's where I was when I was awarded RWA's Librarian of the Year in 2011.  I've since moved on, and up the ladder, with a different employer :)


 I somehow managed to get my monthly column of Not-Your-Usual Historicals to Heroes & Heartbreakers in July.  Come for the books featuring "bad girls," steamy desert locales and Gothics - stay for the insidious Katy Perry ear-worm.


And she e-mailed me an update ages ago - but my Real Life has largely been swamped so that e-mail got buried under a giant pile of other e-mails and well....

Here we are.

Some time back I had a nice chat with archivist Caryn Radick on a paper she was writing about how romance writers use archives in the course of their research.  You can access her paper online and completely nerd out on all things library archives and romance novel research.


Rowena said...

Kat is such a lovely blogger. I heart her big time! It was such a pleasure hanging with her when she was in L.A. I'm going to put your podcast on my to do list when I get home since I'm blocked from Kat's blog at work. Grr.

Anonymous said...

You guys, my ears are burning! lol Thank you. :D Rowena, I was supposed to bring my recorder to our meet-up but I forgot. I'm still kicking myself for not being able to record an episode with you and the Book Binge ladies.

Blocked at work! I don't know if this is goals or or just further evidence that we are smutty and rude...

Wendy said...

I'm falling way behind in responding to comments :(

I had a FABULOUS time chatting with you at RT Kat! Definitely the highlight of that trip was running into several bloggers I had yet to meet in person. It made the long trek to the convention area and the smoke on the casino floor totally worth it.