July 11, 2016

#RWA16: Hitting the Road

As evident by the hit or miss nature of my blog posts of late, things have been kind of busy around the Bat Cave.  I had big plans to get another book read and a review up before RWA 2016 and....well, here we are.  Instead y'all are getting a placeholder post to let you know I'll be MIA for the rest of this week as I'm hitting the road.  Once again my partner in crime will be the delightful KristieJ and I fully expect many a late night conversation about how Fated to Be Mated Is the Literal Worst (my opinion, not hers) and Kristie nagging me over the laundry list of books she thinks I should have read by now but....haven't.

When I'm not stalking the bar to try and find folks, I'll be on two panels.  First, I'll be moderating a panel for Librarians Day on Wednesday which will feature author Sarah MacLean, former Librarian of the Year, Lisa and Katie, @younglibrarian on Twitter:
Beyond Subgenre: Tips and Tricks for Effective Read-Alikes
We all love romance for a variety of reasons, but when it comes to finding read-alikes for our patrons, we fixate on subgenre. In this fun, interactive panel, three librarians and New York Times best-selling author Sarah MacLean will discuss the myriad of subgenres, character types, tropes, and authorial voices that attract readers to romance and how librarians can cut through to the heart of the matter to find the right book for the reader.
Then, even though I publicly stated I didn't quite "get" the timing, I'll be part of the Nielsen Romance Summit which is running parallel to the RWA conference.  I'll be part of this afternoon panel on Thursday, bringing the library/librarian perspective and the particular set of challenges we, and library users, face:
Diversity Means Business
A moderated panel discussion featuring key players from the romance publishing world delving into the impact of issues of diversity on publishers, industry stakeholders, authors, readers, and society at large. Moderator: Kat Meyer of The Book Industry Study Group
(There's an additional registration charge for this block of programming)

I won't be blogging at all during the conference as the only mobile device (sigh, still) I have right now is my phone - but I'll try to post some photos and pithy insights over on Twitter.

In the meantime, anyone want to place bets on whether I get a book read and blogged about before #TBRChallenge day on Wednesday, July 20?  ::whimper::


Lynn Spencer said...

I'm sorry you won't be posting from RWA this year (can't fly right now so no San Diego for me) as I was hoping to do a little living vicariously through blog posts. Hope you have a good conference!

azteclady said...

I saw that KristieJ is going, and it makes me SO HAPPY for both of you--and so incredibly envious.

One day! *fist shake* one day I'll win the lotto and attend all the conferences.

willaful said...

Bwahahahaha! I finished mine before I left.

It was so awesome meeting the two of you!