Amazon discontinued the ability to create images using their SiteStripe feature and in their infinite wisdom broke all previously created images on 12/31/23. Many blogs used this feature, including this one. Expect my archives to be a hot mess of broken book cover images until I can slowly comb through 20 years of archives to make corrections.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sign-Up Now: #TBRChallenge 2016

Sign-up now for your chance to participate in the 2016 TBR Challenge! 

What is the TBR Challenge?  Once a month participants pulls a long-neglected book out of their TBR (To-Be-Read) piles, read it, and provide "commentary" on that book on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Commentary on your chosen read can happen anywhere online: your blog, Facebook, Twitter, GoodReads etc.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1) Dear Lord, you're going to make us do homework?  Yes.  Honestly, it's fun.  For participants of the challenge (and those who just follow along), the 3rd Wednesday of the month is a guarantee day of "book talk."  And, you know, older books - not the latest, greatest thing that's been promo'd half to death the past several weeks.

2) Dear Lord, you have themes?!  Yes.  I took over hosting this challenge in 2011 and the idea of themes came with it.  Some participants like the themes (which I try to keep broad) to help them focus when faced with the insurmountable crush of their TBRs.  However, the themes are optional!  The goal of this challenge is to read something (anything!) out of your TBR.  If you don't like the theme(s) - don't follow it.

3) So do I win anything if I complete the challenge?  Yes. Personal satisfaction.  I like to keep this challenge stress-free, so if you skip a month, post your commentary late (or early), go off theme etc. - the TBR Police will not be showing up at your door.

Great!  How do I sign up?

1) Leave a comment on this blog post, e-mail me or hit me up on Twitter.  I need whatever name you post under and a link to where you'll be posting your commentary.  So, for example: Wendy, The Misadventures of Super Librarian.  There will be a dedicated page on this blog (see sidebar) where I will post your links so interested observers can follow along.

Commentary "due dates" and themes for next year are below.

January 20 - We Love Short Shorts! (category romance, short stories, novella etc.)
February 17 - Series Catch-Up (a book from a series you are behind on)
March 16 - Recommended Read (a book that was recommended to you)
April 20 - Contemporary
May 18 - Something Different (outside your comfort zone, unusual setting, non-romance etc.)
June 15 - Favorite Trope (a favorite theme - amnesia? secret baby? fairy tale? friends-to-lovers? etc.)
July 20 - Award Nominee or Winner (links to past RITA finalists and winners TBA)
August 17 - Kicking It Old School (publication date 10 years or older)
September 21 - Random Pick (a built-in off-theme month - go where your mood takes you!)
October 19 - Paranormal or Romantic Suspense
November 16 - Historical
December 21 - Holiday Themes

I hope to see a lot of returning folks for next year's challenge.  If you're a newbie and still contemplating, here's a link to all of my commentary from 2015 to help give you a general idea.


Ana said...

I'll be back for another round next year. I found reading for the challenge at lot of fun.

I'll be posting at Immersed in Books:

Keira Soleore said...

Please count me in as usual. Thank you!

Cogitations & Meditations:

Laura K. Curtis said...

I'm officially signing up. I started to do it before and then my life derailed. But I am putting them on my "Due" app and my paper calendar and I am going to plan each book WELL ahead of time so I don't lose out!

I'll be posting on



Laura K. Curtis said...

I'm also going to sign up to post on (launching soon) because I've spoken with the other people and we all want to play along!

azteclady said...

*deep breath*

I'm going to sign up--and dog willing, I'll do better than these past couple of years.

Thanks you for keeping this going, Wendy, it's an awesome service to the reading community.

Unknown said...

Going to try putting my toes in the water.

I'll be posting on my blog:

ValancyBlu said...

it all looks so sequential and organised…(something I have always wanted to be!)
so I am totally signing up - nothing like a new year resolution to keep u on your toes…

Valancy @

Mrs Giggles said...

Sure, I'll be back. This challenge is necessary - trimming 12 titles a year from the TBR pile is better than nothing!

S. said...

Wendy, I also want to join again, this is my favorite challenge to do!
Interesting themes :)

Phyl said...

I'm in again. Thanks so much Wendy for keeping it going, especially given the changes in your job this year.

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

Anna Richland said...

Okay, I'm in. I'll post at my Goodreads page:

This is pure externally motivated competition, b/c Mr. Richland is actually reading more than I am right now - he's commuting by transit 4 days a week, and since he shifted to reading fiction last year -- apparently nonfiction is unexciting on an eReader? -- he's whupping me in the book count. How embarrassing. At one point last month, the man who read about two books a year for the early part of our marriage called in sick and read all day.

I must read more! So, I'm in.

Lori said...

I'm in for another year. I didn't get all of my reviews written this year, but hope spring eternal. Maybe 2016 will be my year. Posting these reviews on my LibraryThing account didn't really work for me, so for 2016 I'm going to resuscitate my very old blog. I haven't posted there in 5 years, but next year I'll be back at Lori's Endless TBR:

Bona Caballero said...

You can put me on the list.

Bona is my pen name and...
Romántica, no rosa is my blog.

I recognize this year has been more difficult than what I expected, but it's a great way to force me to write a review in English at least once in a month. So, I'm all for it!

willaful said...

The challenge has been so great for my physical TBR. It's quite manageable these days. And it's nice to dig in and live in the past.

Wendy said...

I've been terrible with responding to blog comments - my apologies! So far everyone who has commented here should have been added to the Information Page (see blog's side bar). If I missed any of you, please let me know.

A few newbies and a lot of familiar faces :)

Bona Caballero said...

Have you changed the days for January and February? Because January 19 & February 16 are Tuesdays and not Wednesdays.

Wendy said...

Bona: No, not a change - just an error on my part. I've gone in and corrected the dates. Thanks for catching that!

Bona Caballero said...

Not at all, it's just that I was planning next month's reviews and those dates just didn't fit.

chickssweet said...

I would LOVE to do this challenge next year. I have been looking for something like this for a while. I hope I keep up. I will be posting the commentary on my blog:

Wendy said...

ChicksSweet: I've got you added! Thanks for signing up and I hope you enjoy the Challenge!

Elaine said...

I am looking forward to participating! Elaine @ Series-ously Addicted ( Thanks so much for hosting again!

Jennifer said...

I had a blast with the challenge this year so I'm looking forward to next year. My reviews will be found at Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews (

Thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to participating!

Shannon @ Read With Me. I will be posting at

Thanks for hosting

Wendy said...

Elaine, Jennifer & Shannon - I've got you all added! Links to your blogs/Tumblr on now on the Information Page (blog sidebar).

Julia said...

I'm back for another round as well. I've enjoyed trying (not always succeeding sadly) to hunt through my TBR to see if anything fits. I'll be posted on Goodreads/twitter again.

twitter: mizzelle


Marylou @ As the page turns said...

Sign me up too!
(as Marylou @ As the page turns)
and here is the link to my blog for this challenge:

Angie said...

Hello! Can not wait to do this challenge. Very excited.
Sign me up as Angie@PaperSoul

I will be posting at

Unknown said...

Trying to support my fellow authors, I've bought way more books this year then I've had time to read. Time to change that by tackling my digital and print TBRs I'll be posting my progress on my blog:

Wendy said...

Julia, Marylou, Angelica and Elizabeth - I've added links to your blogs to the information page (click on the 2016 TBR Challenge graphic located on the sidebar). Welcome back (in Julia's case) and hello to the three newbies. I hope you all enjoy the Challenge!

Unknown said...

Thanks Wendy. I'm looking forward to it.

Lynda the Guppy said...

I think I signed up last year and then NEVER DID ANYTHING. I suck. Lol. But my blog is languishing, so I'm going to use this as a excuse to post at least once a month.

My blog is

I'll probably post more frequently on Twitter, though. @fishwithsticks

Liz Mc2 said...

I fell off the wagon in the last few months but I really enjoyed being part of this group so I'm trying again! I will post at Something More:

Wendy said...

Lynda & Liz: I got you both added. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm going to give this another try. Life cannot be any more complicated than it was this year, and I have my first three books already picked out and sticky-noted with the dates!

Jenn @ Lost in a Great Book

Thanks, Wendy!

Caz said...

Woot! I'm in for 2016 :)

I'll post at AAR and Caz's Reading Room as usual.

Unknown said...

Let's do this! I almost did the challenge last year but then life got in the way. This time, I'm all in. My website is undergoing a makeover but should be up and running for the TBR challenge.

Thanks, Wendy!

Wendy said...

Jenn, Caz and Lynn - I've added your links to the information page. Thanks for signing up and I hope you enjoy the Challenge!

Dorine said...

I'd love to participate this year, Wendy.

Dorine at The Zest Quest.

Wendy said...

Hi Dorine! Thanks for signing up. I've got your web site linked on the Information Page now.

Miss Bates said...

Ahem, here I am ... late to the sign-up. But count me in; when I can (summer months guaranteed, everything else is up to job vagaries) I'll be posting reviews at ye olde spinster blog:

Thank you so much, Wendy, for keeping up the community spirit. This is a lot of work and much appreciated! :-)

Wendy said...

Miss Bates: It's never too late to sign-up, although now comment moderation has kicked in on this post (it helps keep spam down!) and I had to approve you :)

You're added to the list. Thanks for signing up again!

Hilcia said...

Happy New Year, Wendy! Signing up late this year, but signing up. Count me in please. :)

Jennie said...

I'm in! Jennie at Biblio File

Wendy said...

Hils and Jennie: I have you both added. Thanks for signing up!

Kathryn said...

I thought for one of my (late) new year's resolutions, I set up a blog and do the TBR challenge. The blog is at


Wendy said...

Kathryn: Thanks for signing up and good luck with the challenge! I've now got a link to your blog on the Information Page.

Nospheratt said...

I’ve wanted to sign up for the challenge for years, and Lynn Balabanos finally convinced me. I’m looking forward to it! :)

My blog:
My Twitter:

Thanks, Wendy!

Mindy Gipson said...

I'm currently engaged in hearing you speak in the Novelist Webinar "Romancing the Book Club" and that has me sold on #TBRChallenge !!!!

I'm a librarian who selects Romance titles for Chesterfield County Public Library in Virginia, and previously worked in Williamsburg Regional Library and posted many reviews (filed under "Mindy's Picks") on their blog: Blogging For A Good Book:

I will be posting my commentary for this challenge on Goodreads.

Wendy said...

Hi Mindy!
I'm glad you enjoyed the webinar and welcome to the TBR Challenge. I've got your GR account linked to the information page.

Anonymous said...

I also heard about this through the webinar. Please sign me up. I'll also post on Goodreads.

Wendy said...

Hi Maggie! I've got you signed up and a link to your GoodReads account is now on the TBR Challenge information page. You're my second Maggie to sign up - so you're listed as Maggie H.

Unknown said...

Hi, Wendy,
Well, I'm signing up again, though I flaked out the last few months (I'm reading books for the IBPA contest and received way more titles than I expected). Have February's book done! It's on Goodreads now.

Wendy said...

Hey Jill!
I've got you added to the information page and I saw your review of Badlands by Jill Sorenson over at GoodReads. ::happy sigh:: I love Penny and Owen....

Kimberly Keyes Romance said...

Hi Wendy, I've been following your blog for a while and throughly enjoy your reviews. I'm going to accept your challenge. :-) I'll post my reviews on my blog at
This really will be a challenge because i have a list of reviews I've got promised, plus my own writing, plus my day job. I'm looking forward to it.
Kimberly Keyes

Wendy said...

Hi Kimberly! Thanks for signing up! I've added a link to the your blog to the TBR Challenge information page. Welcome aboard!

Unknown said...

Hi Wendy! I'm not a blogger but I'd be happy to send any takers a free Kindle copy of my romantic suspense novel if they still need one to meet this challenge... Clean Break by Abby Vegas.

Ali said...

This sounds like exactly what I need! I would love to join in.

Ali @ Goodreads

and (theoretically)

Wendy said...

Hi Ali:
I'm sorry - you got stuck in comment moderation! Since we're in the final month of the 2016 Challenge - do you want to go ahead and sign up for 2017?

Ali said...

Hi Wendy! Yes, please! I also see I made an error on my url - it's 🙈 Thank you for getting back to me!

Wendy said...

Ali: Great! I've got you added to the 2017 Information Page -

ErinPaperbackstash said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Will definitely be signing up!


Wendy said...

Hi Erin! I've got a link to your web site added to the 2017 TBR Challenge Information Page: