Amazon discontinued the ability to create images using their SiteStripe feature and in their infinite wisdom broke all previously created images on 12/31/23. Many blogs used this feature, including this one. Expect my archives to be a hot mess of broken book cover images until I can slowly comb through 20 years of archives to make corrections.

Friday, July 18, 2014

H&H, RWA and Book Orgy

My latest round-up of Unusual Historicals has posted over at Heroes & Heartbreakers.  These are all July releases, and the inaugural list featuring a new format (Megan wanted to me to add some footnotes after the blurbs - and I think it turned out nice!).

A couple of notes: I mistakenly omitted Trapped at the Altar by Jane Feather because the nondescript cover and back cover blurb gave me NO indication that it was set during the Restoration.  Also, The Mistress of Normandy by Susan Wiggs is a reprint with a new title folks.  I know, I was devastated too.  I really was hoping she had churned out a new historical.  But The Lily and the Leopard has been out of print for eons, so if you don't have it this is a good chance to score it now (plus digital edition! yippee!).


So RWA is next week and I feel like I've done nothing to get ready for it.  Somehow my dance card filled up rather alarmingly this year.  This might turn out to be the busiest RWA for me since 2011, which was Librarian of the Year year (which was borderline insanity).  If you'd like to find me next week, here are a few places I'll be:

  • Librarians Day on Wednesday, July 23.  I'm actually not speaking this year, so I'll be in the audience chillin'.  
  • The hotel bar probably every free moment, but especially after the Literacy Signing.  No formal Blogger Bash this year since I'm thinking there isn't a need for one.  I mean, hello?  We're always in the bar anyway, right?

Saturday, July 26th 2:00PM-3:00PM
Picture Them in Their Underwear: Expanding Your Audience with Speaking Engagements
Speakers: Sarah M. Anderson, Me!, and Melissa Jolly
Expand your career and build your audience by adding “speaker” to your resume. Join an award-winning author, the 2011 RWA Librarian of the Year, and an assistant to several best-selling authors to learn how to find your audience, craft a pitch, book and schedule an engagement, promote your event and, most importantly, become a more confident speaker.
Take pity on us folks and come to our panel.  Yes, I know it's the afternoon before the RITA ceremony, but you do not want to miss our giveaways, awesome Powerpoint (visual aids!) and I'm pretty confident that the information we'll impart to the audience will change their lives.  Change. Your. Lives.  Seriously.  How could it not?

I'm also making the party circuit Friday evening (glad they're all kind of in the same general area), so I'll be floating around hopefully not wearing shoes that will leave me hobbled before my workshop on Saturday.


In reading update news: I've been on a frenzy lately but I'm still behind because I overextended myself on review books considerably.  They're all books I'm happy to read and review since they sounded interesting to me, it's just this pesky problem of having to work for a living.  Darn it!  Authors who sent me stuff: I promise, I'm working on them.  Truly.

I probably should stop blogging and start reading huh?  Yeah.


azteclady said...

Can you hear my wailing?

Yeah, no RWA yet again this year.

I really need to win the lottery so I can attend every RWA and every RT until I die.

Wendy said...

AL: LOL! I hear you. I really need to get to RT one of these years. It's hard for me to justify doing both conferences. This year I was lucky - I got a break on registration because I'm speaking.

Oh and btw - KRISTIEJ IS BACK! Head over to her blog.

Anna Richland said...

Enjoy San Antonio!

RT has speakers too... you could submit a workshop ... Although I don't know how much the discount is at RT for presenting, but there must be something. Alas, the librarians who need to know how to feature romance are not the ones attending RT, so you'd be speaking to the choir. RT New Orleans had a ton of librarians and bloggers and a whole track for them (not to mention nifty ribbons for them).

azteclady said...


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

(for letting me know and for helping her get back in *grin*)

Lynn Spencer said...

The new Wiggs is a reprint? Nooooo! I even asked Harlequin and they told me it was new. :( Oh well. I read Lily and the Leopard back in high school and I recall liking it, so I guess I can reread.

I'm guessing this means Mistress of Ireland must be a reprint of The Mist and the Magic? That's the one historical of hers I'd never read, so I guess I have that to look forward to.

Wendy said...

Anna: I'm hoping the new job affords me the chance to finally get to RT - uh, one of these days. The one year it was truly feasible, my parents were in town visiting - so that killed that dream :)

Wendy said...

Lynn: It has not been well publicized and I have NO idea if Wiggs did any rewrites/updating to the book(s) at all. I'm such a cynical soul by nature, that I started Googling, and got confirmation that it was The Lily and the Leopard via her Pinterest page - and that was seriously the only place I could find it! But if you look at the back cover blurbs for both books, that clinches it.

And yes, Mistress of Ireland = The Mist and the Magic.