Amazon discontinued the ability to create images using their SiteStripe feature and in their infinite wisdom broke all previously created images on 12/31/23. Many blogs used this feature, including this one. Expect my archives to be a hot mess of broken book cover images until I can slowly comb through 20 years of archives to make corrections.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Poor Beau Brummel!

So my latest "thing" over at Heroes & Heartbreakers is to do a monthly round-up of "unusual historicals."  When I send these off to my editor, I try to come up with pithy titles for the posts.  Sometimes, I do OK.  And sometimes my brain is mush.  Such was the case when I did July's round-up, which happened post-RWA.  All I could come up with is "Beau Brummel Is Mr. Snotty Pants."

Hey, what can I say, maturity is my middle name.

So imagine my surprise when they stuck with that. 

I know I tend to do these features on my blog as well, but my lists over at H&H are more exhaustive (although I cannot say with 100% certainty that they're all-inclusive).  Head on over, take a gander, and have your shopping list handy.  I've already read one title on this list, and have five others in the TBR.  ::gulp::

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