July 20, 2012

RWA Annual Conference & Blogger Bar Bash!

The Romance Writers of America annual conference is right around the corner (::gulp::, next week) - and in preparation for that, I've got some news and general blog-keeping announcements to share.

First, there will be a Blogger Bar Bash again this year!  It will be Wednesday night, July 25, at the conference hotel bar (the Anaheim Marriott), after the Literacy Signing (which "ends" at 8PM).  A contingent of SoCal Bloggers will be on hand to chat the night away, while washing down what are sure to be overpriced cocktails.  The Literacy Signing is open to the public - you do not need to be registered for the conference to attend!  Seriously, if you are going to be anywhere in the area, as a romance novel fan it is your civic duty to attend.  All of the nitty-gritty details on the event can be found on the RWA web site.  And even though it's called the Blogger Bar Bash - everyone is welcome to stop by and say hello after the signing.  Readers, bloggers, authors, agents, editors, Fabio, Mickey Mouse, Mary Poppins - come one come all!

I am going to try to put in an appearance, but I'm not sure if that will happen.  I'm working with RWA to pack up the leftover books after the signing, which are being donated to my library.  I'll be staying behind to help them pack up, and load up the Batmobile.  And since I'll have been "on the go" since 7AM that morning (Wednesday is also Librarians Day!), I can't vouch for what kind of shape I'll be in.  I literally might just pack up, and head home for the night.  But!  I will try to make the Bar Bash because hot diggity, I love hanging out in the bar at RWA.

Since the conference is local for me this year, it also means I'm commuting and not staying on site at the hotel.  What does this mean?  Well, for the last several (uh, since 2007?) I've made a habit of blogging about the conference, during the conference.  This usually entails me staying up until 2AM and running on so much caffeine that I morph into a hummingbird-like creature.  Not this year.  I have to be in a coherent enough state to drive my car home and fall into my own bed.

So for my sanity, and to insure I'll get some sleep - I'm shamelessly stealing an idea from author Victoria Janssen.  Back in 2010, when the conference was in Orlando, she did a series of blog posts that were basically photographs she had taken.  Here's the post she did about the Literacy Signing that year.  Between the running around at conference, then having to drive to and from the hotel and the Bat Cave?  I just don't see long-detailed blog posts happening.  So yeah, I'm going to try to do the photograph thing.  Let's see if I can pull it off!

At the very least - I'll shoot to be on Twitter.


Hilcia said...

Aww, it's that time of the year already? I wish I could be there again this year. I loved attending Literacy Signing last year in NYC and meeting you ladies at the Bar Bash. I look forward to your visual blog posts.

PS: Good luck with commuting! I don't envy you that particular chore.

Wendy said...

Hils: It was just too hard for me to justify the hotel expense when I live so close. It might have still been do-able, but then we found out we had two weddings to attend this year - uh, both of which are going to require airline tickets, hotel rooms and rental cars.

So yeah, I'm commuting to RWA :)

azteclady said...

*cries bitter tears over missing yet another RWA*

Dammit, lotto, it has to be soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm crying along with AL... I hope you have a wonderful time and that your library's patrons enjoy all those wonderful books.

Victoria Janssen said...

People seemed to like the photos a lot! So I can definitely recommend them instead of written posts.

Wendy said...

AL and Jessica: Holy crap - SO many books. Glad my boss has a station wagon.

Victoria: I loved your photo posts! I thought was such a brilliant idea, so yeah - shamelessly stealing it. First photos go live tomorrow :)