June 28, 2012

99 Librarian Problems

OK, only seven.

1. RWA Logistics.  I'm presenting at Librarians Day again this year.  Since it's local, I'm commuting.  Oh, and I'm taking the leftover books from the Literacy Signing and have to get them out of the convention center and back to my library.

2.  Weddings.  Seriously, it's the year of the wedding.  College friend getting married in northern Cali in August.  Another college friend getting married in October - in New York.  Which means we're rolling that into a visit with the in-laws.  A week, in the woods.  With no cable TV and only my smartphone binky to keep me warm.  Maybe I'll get lots of reading done though.....

3.  Oh, and I need to visit my family in Michigan.  Sometime.

4.  Work is crazy-sauce busy right now.  Summer reading, planning an author program in July, ordering books again now that the new fiscal year has started, signing on to help plan our Big Literary Event again, planning a meeting for the adult services librarians in August, and general paperwork drudgery that never seems to end.

5.  Review books.  Seriously, buried.  And because of #4?  My reading mojo has left the building.

6.  I need a haircut.  I need to make an appointment with my eye doctor.  I have no idea when I'm going to do either of these.

7.  I've been asked to contribute some writing to a Supah Sekrit Project (OK, it's not super secret - I just don't want to talk about it yet in detail).  Deadline is middle of August.  Someone hold me.

 Whine, whine, whine.  Poor, poor Wendy.  So many "problems."  /end sarcasm.

Suck it up cupcake, and just listen to Dori.


Tracy S said...

I quote Dory a LOT when I'm stressed, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...."

Marguerite Kaye said...

Seriously, you need to prioritise. GET A HAIRCUT! Because if you don't, every time you look in the mirror you'll get depressed and not want to do anything else. And if you do, you'll feel all nice and new again, and up for shopping for the wedding outfits. My sister gets married in July, gathering of relatives that will end up looking like a scene from Braveheart without the claymores, but with the fighting. Keep swimming, and get to the hairdresser.

Wendy said...

Tracy: I'm thinking of making it my theme song. All I need are some Pips to follow me around :)

Wendy said...

Marguerite: I know, I know. The problem is I have no clue what I want to do with the massive mop. I've been growing it out until I figure it out. I'm thinking layers is the way to go.....

And I REALLY need to get my eyes checked. I just know my prescription has changed.

nath said...

Ha, I'd like to have the RWA problem! Unfortunately, it's not in the cards for this year. Sorry to hear work has been so busy. I was wondering where you've been!

As for the haircut and the eye doctor, do them the same day and get done with it! However, going to eye doctor usually imply that you need to buy new glasses too...