Happy Birthday Lemon Drop! Here she is at Disneyland devouring a Mickey Mouse waffle with strawberries. Yum, yum!

My library's Literary Event! From left to right:
Judy Duarte,
Debra Mullins and
Laura Wright. I want to thank all of these ladies from taking time out of their lives (and in some cases -
RT!) to do our little program. Although since we sold out (uh, 500 people) I'm not sure we were all that "little." What I like about my library's literary event? It's multi-genre. So, not just romance. I think these types of programs can be great for romance authors. It's a chance to reach a "new" audience. Of course it helps to have these programs hosted by romance-friendly folk.
Ahem - which is where me moderating this panel would come into play.
And look where I was on Sunday! At the ballpark! The Anaheim Angels vs. the Toronto Blue Jays. Angels ended up winning 3-1.
The other reason I wasn't at RT? My parents being in town on their annual vacation. I'd post a picture of them, but my mother would likely disown me and write me out of the will if I did. But take my word for it - they were here.
What a little cutie!
Thanks to Auntie Wendy for posting a smiling picture rather than the freaked out crying picture with Chip. :)
Aww look at the smile on Lemon Drop! Happy B'day!
Your event sounds like a big success Wendy. 500 people?! O_o That's just wonderful. Congratulations. Plus you had baseball, AND your parents... you had the best weekend. :D
Lisabea: She's almost as cute as you are ;) Can't wait to see you at RWA!!!
Lil' Sis: Lemon Drop is just smarter than the rest of us. She knows a giant rodent can only mean bad and terrible things.
Hilcia: 5th year of the event, and the first time we've sold out. Hopefully I'll get more of a rundown on how things went once I get back to the office. Looked like a smashing success from what I saw of things.
Lemon Drop is such a cutie!
Liza: She's a cutie-patootie :)
You had the best reasons for missing RT. Lemon Drop is just the most adorable ever!
Awesome "little" program you've got there. 500! Your library is lucky to have you. :)
Awww's so cute and seems like she had a blast :) And woohoo on your library event being a success. Seriously, 500 ppl? Yeah, that's not small :)
A belated Happy Birthday to Lemon Drop! As always, she's adorable.
Leslie: First time we've ever sold out. Everyone is pretty happy about that!
Nath: She was enjoying herself until some of the Disney characters came around. She was OK with Eeyore, but was NOT happy to see Chip :)
SarahT: I can't believe it's been a year already. Truly.
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