His Wife for One Night by Molly O'Keefe, Harlequin SuperRomance, February 2011
Jack McKibbon knows the score when he offers to marry his best friend Mia Alatore. He's fixing a bad situation for her—that's all—they aren't making a real life together. She wants to stay on the ranch and he's got his studies and inventions elsewhere. Still, this arrangement is a good deal for both of them.I loved this book. Mom loved this book. Mom loved this book so much she e-mailed the author.
Until that one night…
A sexy interlude with Mia makes Jack rethink their relationship…and their future. But all his plans grind to a halt when she asks for a divorce. Once upon a time, Jack might have agreed. But now that he knows the chemistry they share, he's not giving up a second chance to be with his wife.
Next up, a string of baby books. Hey, don't hate the player, hate the game. Mom met Jacqueline Diamond over a year ago, when I dragged her along to a local RWA chapter meeting where I was asked to speak to their published authors (basically? How I do my job, how books get in the library yada, yada, yada). Well, Ms. Diamond is super-duper nice, and when she found out I was bringing Mom along, she gifted Mom with one of her older titles, which Mom promptly read and enjoyed. So yeah, Mom went on another Jackie Diamond reading binge, all of these belonging to her Safe Harbor Medical series.
From the moment he arrives at Safe Harbor Medical, Ian Martin is on infant overload. But the story he's covering gets a lot more interesting when the adventure-seeking reporter meets Jennifer Serra, an intriguing PR director who has created a stir by taking home one of the center's unwanted newborns!His Hired Baby by Jacqueline Diamond, Harlequin American, August 2010
Jennifer has always wanted a child of her own. Her dream becomes thrilling reality when she agrees to temporarily-- permanently?--be a mother to a sweet baby girl. Ian could complete the picture--Jennifer sees how easily he bonds with little Rosalie.
But just when she begins to look at Ian as potential father material, the dashing journalist dredges up a scandal from Jennifer's past that could jeopardize her plans for adoption...and for a future with Ian.
Surrogate mom Kate Evans, a widow with a five-year-old son, isn't looking forward to her upcoming delivery--not because of the pain, but because when it's over the doctor will place her baby in the arms of the couple who hired her. When Kate gets the startling news that Tony Franco's wife has abandoned him, it only makes her feel more conflicted.The Holiday Triplets by Jacqueline Diamond, Harlequin American, December 2010
Second thoughts or not, Kate signed a contract, and she won't go back on her word. Instead, she offers to help prepare Tony for single parenthood, never expecting to fall for him in the process. But once their baby is born, she'll lose both of them forever...unless she can convince Tony to give love another chance.
Mark Rayburn always admired Samantha Forrest's fierce dedication, even if it often caused heated disagreements between the two doctors. But making a lifetime commitment to three babies without a moment's thought? Unbelievable, even for Sam. None of her professional pediatric experience would prepare her for real-life motherhood—Mark knows Sam is in over her head.My Mom is a busy woman, and I think category romance appeals to her on the "they're quick reads" front. Which is actually one of the reasons I like them too, along with the shorter word count = stronger, intense focus on the romance reason. This binge prompted questions about Harlequin. It also prompted her thinking about signing up for the Reader Service so she can have books delivered right to her mailbox. No word on if that will happen - but my guess is that if she does, she'll sign up for Americans or Supers. I think she'd like Special Editions too, but alas, we ran out of time before I could dig up some Karen Templeton for her to read.
Though he thought he swore off fatherhood years ago, Mark steps in to help Sam, and quickly falls in love with the adorable triplets. The former rivals make a great team, and soon Sam and Mark are giving off enough sparks to keep the whole town lit up through New Year's Eve. But when Sam's impulsive nature puts both their careers on the line, they find themselves fighting again…only this time, they're on the same side.
They all sounds good!! Hmmmm, I like babies in books, I think I might be checking out Ms Diamond books... and I remember your review of His Wife for One Night. This time, I'll be writing it down :)
This sounds like perfect vacation to me. Visit family and read :)
Sounds like your mother had fun raiding your stash. I also enjoyed 'His Wife for One Night', but I haven't read any of the others on her list.
Well, since your mom loved His Wife for One Night enough to email the author (and I like the trope), I'm definitely going to put it on my list. Too bad she didn't have the time to try a Special Edition. I'm sure she would love those.
This is like the flip side of all those "my mom hooked me on romance reading" stories. I love it.
Nath: I have so many of Diamond's books in my TBR, cuz she's local. I really need to read one!
SarahT: It was mostly me digging around and finding books. All of these were near the top of my various book piles. I really need to start reading through my HQ print backlog - cuz then I can send them on to her!
Hilcia: Yeah, I think she'd like the Special Editions too. Next time :)
Liz: Found out this weekend that she did indeed sign up for Harlequin's Reader Service. She chose Americans and Supers :)
That's awesome that your mom can dig into your giant tbr pile. Don't we all wish we could read that fast!
Leslie: It was just a matter of me uncovering something for her. Most of my print Harlequins are relegated to a Rubbertmaid tote that's "buried" in a closet. Speaking of which, I really should reorganize those....
Your mom wrote me a very nice note! Mostly about how proud she is of you - honestly, it was so sweet I sent her more books. We all need moms like that...
Molly: Only my Mom would e-mail an author to talk about me - LOL. She did sign up for the Reader Service. She's going to start with both Americans and Supers. I'm waiting to see if she'll be able to keep up with all those :)
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