January 14, 2011

Reminder: TBR Challenge For January

For those of you participating in the 2011 TBR Challenge, a reminder that your commentary is "due" on Wednesday, January 19

This month's theme is category romance.  Any category romance from either the Harlequin family, or the plethora of now defunct lines (ex. Bantam Loveswept).  Remember, the themes are completely and totally optional.  If you don't wanna read a category romance, you don't have to.  Read something else you've unearthed from the depths of the TBR pile!

It's also not too late to sign-up.  If you are interested in doing so, or just want to learn more about the challenge, please see the information page.


MaryK said...

I've got it picked out at least! Plan to read it over the long weekend.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the reminder. I started mine a couple of days ago, but since I can't seem to read only one book at a time, I will have to buckle down and get it done this weekend.. :D

Amy said...

I've actually got two to choose from. Or I could do mini reviews for both. Hmm..

Wendy said...

MaryK: LOL - for last year's challenge I think I read 6 categories? It was always like the weekend before the deadline and I'd be like, "Need something quick!" I have a huge Harlequin backlog though - so it's all good :)

Samantha: The older I get the more I can't do that LOL. I can read more than one book at a time if they're vastly different. Like one is fiction and one in nonfiction. Otherwise, it's a no go.

Amy: Oooh, mini reviews would be fine! My TBR Read actually led me to dig a second book out of the ol' TBR, but mini-reviews are out since I was rather long-winded about the HSR I read. So one review Wednesday, and one on Thursday.....

azteclady said...

Still afraid of commitment...

Mostly, I'm sure I will be reading plenty of books from TBR Mountain Range for the next many months (I just sold what was left of my soul to a second bank, in order to buy a car. Which means, absolutely no disposable income for a while), but I can't commit myself to the themes.

Example: I'm reading Visions in White (yes, I know, years late--sue me) instead of one of the myriad categories in sight.

Wendy said...

AL: The themes are TOTALLY optional. They're just there for readers who, like me, with a ginormous TBR who want a bit of "guidance." You absolutely, positively, don't need to follow them. When Keishon hosted last year, I think I only adhered to the themes for a couple of months? Mostly I just followed my spirit and grabbed something that looked interesting.

LOL - or more often "Crap, the TBR Challenge is due in a couple of days, I better grab a category romance to read quick!"

azteclady said...

Oh Wendy, Wendy, you temptress you!

Okay, I give up--count me in.

I cannot promise actual reviews (though by golly, I'll try my damnedest to write and post them!)

Anonymous said...

Done and published: How To Make A Cup Of Tea.

Thanks, Wendy, for making sure I finished a book that set a new land speed record in the first chapter!

Wendy said...

AL: Sweet! I've added you to the page and put down Karen's URL as your home base :)

Magdalen: Saw it pop up in my Google Reader...still need to go back and read the actual post :)