January 7, 2011

2010 Year In Review: Summary And Final Thoughts

I warned you I like to drag these year-end reading summaries out.  Well, this is the last post on the subject.  Some years I don't have a lot of observations or final thoughts about what I read during the past 12 months.  Like last year, when I couldn't manage to cough up a final summary post.  But this year?  Looking over my spreadsheet I noticed a few things:
  • I read four medievals this year.  That's actually a lot of me, since the time period has never been a huge draw for me.  But the fact that three of the four ended up making my Best Of list?  Yeah, that's huge.
  • I really like reading short stories.  I read two print anthologies this year, 7 digital Harlequin Historical Undones and 12 digital Spice Briefs.
  • I fell head over heels for the Harlequin Romance line this year.  And while I only read 8 of them, the lowest grade was a C+.  That's some dang good reading!
  • I only read 6 Harlequin Historicals this year, and one of them was a DNF.  This gives me a sad people.  I need to stop getting distracted by other Harlequin lines on my Sony Reader.
It was an interesting reading year.  Once again I struggled with my mojo at times and threw wishes up to the heavens that I could read faster.  But all in all, I felt like it was a productive year.  Here's to bigger and even better for 2011!


Karenmc said...

I read bunches and bunches in 2010, but my TBR mountain keeps growing. I also expanded from only European historicals to some Westerns and some world building, with The Iron Duke, Zoe Archer (still have two to read) and a re-read of The Smoke Thief, which worked better for me now than three years ago.

From November til the middle of January I'm overloaded at work, so I'm hoping to get a head of steam up soon and plunge back in.

nath said...

Well at least, Wendy, you're writing them. I'm putting of my End of the Year post and seriously, I have no idea when I'll have it up ^_^;

Wow, 3 medieval making it in the Best Of list, you're right, that's pretty huge :)

LOL, in batches or in series? :)

Wendy said...

Karen: I usually start out the year strong, fade during the summer months, and finish strong. July is always a rough reading month between work and travel....

Nath: Actually, both. VLT and Zoe Archer it was all series. Every other author there it constituted both. Series and stand-alones....