No Internet access. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
No Twitter. No blogging. I might sneak looking at e-mails on my phone, but yeah - nothing.
I hope the shakes don't get too bad.
After some minor dithering, I've decided it will be for the best for me to hang up the Gone Fishin' sign on the blog for the next week. I don't "do" guest posts (it's my blog and yes I am that narcissistic), and honestly? I'm in the middle of a blogging slump. Which some of you have probably noticed. Which is shocking since I can babble nonsense with the best of 'em. Yeah, I think I just need a break. Get some reading done. Eat some turkey and punkin' pie. Recharge the ol' batteries. I figure after almost 8 years of blogging excellence (hardy har har), declaring a media blackout for the next 7-odd days won't be the end of the world.
So for those of you in the States - have a great holiday, and I hope you all survive the forced family togetherness. I'll be back into the swing of things sometime around the 29th!
Have a great Thanksgiving and a wonderful time during your well-deserved break, Wendy!
"I don't "do" guest posts (it's my blog and yes I am that narcissistic), "
oh god, me too. I totally admire the people who can plan to have guests for their absences, but have no desire to do it myself.
Have a wonderful break!
No internet? I don't think I could handle it. I thought I lived in nowheresville, but at least we have internet :)
Have a great holiday.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the time away.
"No Internet access. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada."
I didn't know there were such places! O_O See you on the other side!
Yeah, no Internet. Mostly because my hosts don't have it, we canceled the wireless on the laptop eons ago, and I'm not going to be within spittin' distance to a Starbucks. So.....out of commission for a week. I'm hoping this will translate into more reading - but we shall see.....
Enjoy your vacation? time off? holiday break. :)
Really hope you'll recharge, Wendy :) Where are you going by the way? I mean, no internet access?!? Why would you go there? LOL.
I hope you're enjoying your blogging vacation. Have a great thanksgiving!
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