July 22, 2010

Mountains O' Tote Bags!

According to the RWA web site, the conference next week in Orlando is sold out. I've been registered for ages (uh, January? February?) - so haven't really been back to check the web site all that much. I'm really happy to see this though. I had originally wondered how well-attended this year would be - what with the economy being a craptacular suck fest - and when the venue had to change mid-stream (who could have predicted that awful flooding in Nashville?), things seemed slightly on the doomed side. And while Orlando in July has humidity levels this side of Hell, I think the Disney World locale definitely enticed some "on the fence" folks to attend.

Over the last couple of weeks, RWA has been sending out e-mails begging pleading asking for volunteers, and since Librarians Day is Wednesday (conference really doesn't start cooking until Thursday), I tend to arrive a wee bit earlier than a lot of people. Which means, I'm an ideal candidate to volunteer my services to stuff conference tote bags. Not the sexiest job in the whole world, but one that needs to be done, since every attendee gets a tote bag with various goodies inside.

Well, I got an e-mail yesterday detailing when and where - I have a Tuesday morning shift - and learned a couple of things. 1) There will be 7 books in the tote bags (woohoo!) and 2) they need 2100 tote bags stuffed.

That bears repeating....


2100 x 7 books = 14,700 books! 14,700 of the same 7 titles, but still....

I can't wait to see that room with my own beady lil' eyes. And if you're coming to the Blogger Bar Bash Tuesday night? If you're extra nice to me ("Hey Wendy, nice to meet you.") I might just tell you what our freebies are going to be this year. Assuming you can't wait the 12 hours until registration opens for business. Heh.


Kim in Baltimore said...

As a librarian, surely 14,000+ books is just a drop in the bucket to you! Thanks for volunteering to stuff those bags ... I'll be stuffing the bags for the Beau Monde Conference (Regency chapter) that also takes place on Wednesday.

It is hot in Tampa, but will be "hotter" in Orlando as romance stars gather!

Victoria Janssen said...

Go you!!!

You will have amazing arm muscles afterwards, I bet.

Keira Soleore said...

Wendy, that is going to be exciting to be in a room with so many shiny, new books!!! BTW, registration opens Tues 1-5pm (yay, for them).

Hilcia said...

I don't envy all that work, but all those books?!! My eyes popped! You'll all have a great time, I'm sure. I'm looking forward to reading all about it. :D

Lynn Spencer said...

I can't help smiling at the thought of all those books. Can't wait to head to Fla.!

Tracy said...

That's a ton of books but it will go fast. Just keep telling yourself that. And have fun! (not just with the totes but at RWA as well!)

azteclady said...

I'm always nice (and I'll have bribes on me...)

And yes, I'm registering on Tuesday afternoon--so stuff those quickly, woman! ;-)

Wendy said...

Ah ha! That's what I get for not looking at the schedule on the web site. Did not realize that registration was open Tuesday afternoon!

Rosie said...

Holy guacamole! Thatsa whole lotta books to stuff. Let's see my bribes (at RWA at least) tend to run toward the liquid sort. Name yer poison sistah!