Every once in a while I get what I call the blogging blahs. As much as I like to run off at the mouth, sometimes inspiration fails to strike me and in the immortal words of a wise woman somewhere,
"I got nothing." Actually I don't necessarily have
"nothing." More like I got a bunch of random stuff floating around, I haven't posted in a few days, and well, I need to put
something here. Yep, it's time for another list of linky goodness!

1) I've "known"
Amy a scary long time. Longer than I've been blogging, which means we're talking going on 10 years. She's the only person I know who
might have a TBR scarier than mine (and we don't know for sure since she refuses to count it -
scaredy cat). Anyway, I really liked her recent
funny post about family drama and rediscovering "why" she reads. Go forth and say hello.
Leslie has an interview up with
Cheryl St. John with
two contests attached. One particular point of interest in the interview? Cheryl teases us with tidbits about her current work in progress.
Go forth and read.
3) I've done some updating over at the
Upcoming Historical Romances wiki. Lots of pretty book covers and lists of books through July 2010 (lists still not totally "complete," but I'm getting there).

Rosie is over at AccessRomance
Reader's Gab making me think too hard. Seriously, Mondays after a holiday always find my brain the consistency of lumpy day-old oatmeal. Anyway,
head on over and read what she thinks about creativity, longevity and staying the course.
The Cheesecake Factory has a
new Red Velvet Cake Cheesecake which consists of red velvet cake, cheesecake filling, cream cheese frosting and white chocolate shavings. OK, seriously. How am I expected to say no to something like this? And for the record?
Oh. My. Gawd. Something this good has
got to be illegal in 23 states.
6) Thanksgiving at the Bat Cave was grand. My turkey turned out OK, but it was my stuffing that rocked the house. I followed my Aunt Mary's recipe to the T and drown those bread crumbs in a serious amount of turkey broth.
Soooooo good. The leftover stuffing didn't make it past Friday night. Oh and the Lil' Sis makes some
killer mashed taters and gravy. Those made it to Sunday night - but just barely.

7) After finding my mojo earlier in the month, my reading hit the skids again. I jump-started it last night by finishing up a Harlequin Historical (OK) and two Spice Briefs short stories (one OK, the other really dang good). Reviews will be forthcoming over at
TGTBTU. Next up? I'm reading the new Cheryl St. John,
Her Colorado Man. I couldn't resist it any longer.
Aha - it called to you did it? I've learned when a book calls, there is no peace until you answer - sirens - that's what they are - sirens!!
heh. blogging blues? what are those? ahem. i wouldn't know anything bout that....
i am always impressed at your ability to keep on writing and blogging in the face of dry spells. :)
Ah...pretty covers on historicals. I love looking at covers of upcoming books and finding things to anticipate! Of course, then there's the TBR mountain in my own home waiting to be anticipated.... ;-)
I noticed that Wiki update. It is all YOUR fault I've already pre-ordered April and May romances.
Oh, Colorado Man, eh? Lyndee is from Colorado! (Lyndee does not usually refer to herself in the third person). The men here are outdoorsy. (Well, that's the stereotype, anyhow).
Thanks for the links and the update, Wendy!
Kristie: More like jealousy. You've read it, Rosie was in the middle of reading it (last I knew), and I'd wager Sybil read it ages OK. I didn't want to be left out :(
Sula: I tend to "force" myself though dry spells. I try to keep up a semi-consistent rhythm, that why I don't totally fall off the wagon.
Lynn: Luckily December is kind of a dry month for me as far as a shopping list goes. Maybe this means I'll get caught up? Hardy har har.
Victoria: You just keep telling yourself that. "It's all Wendy's fault!" LOL
Lyndee: Well this Colorado Man has just arrived in town from Alaska. So he's REALLY outdoorsy.
Okay, enough with the teasing: which Spice Brief was it that was really good? I've been on a mad SB glom lately.
Katie: The Tale Of The Dancing Girl by Grace D'Otare. It's part of a series, but it stands alone extremely well (and I can say this from personal experience since I haven't read the other two stories....yet).
Thanks. I haven't read that one yet. I'll have to try it.
The mere mention of stuffing is making my mouth water. Roll on Christmas...
Scary long time -- has it been 10 years?!? Whew!
SarahT: My Dad said something very similar when I talked to him this past weekend :)
Amy: If it hasn't been 10, it's pretty dang close! Unbelievable, isn't it?
Same could be said for... gosh what was the name of that book
oh yes, Never Love a Lawman
read it, you need too *g*
Sybil: I know! ARGHHHHH!
I suck.
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