How did I win?
Well, first I shamelessly nominated myself. Then I disclosed to Tracy how many books I have in my TBR. This actually isn't a big secret. I have the whole blessed thing cataloged over at Library Thing. Still, I hate to openly admit it publicly because it's a source of much angst and crushing anxiety. Of course I'm among friends here, so I guess I shouldn't be overly embarrassed. Hell, some of you are probably even a little jealous. Sick puppies that you are.
So many thanks to Kris, Tracy, and all the romance junkies I've met and interacted with over the years (in person and online). It takes a village to raise a Book Slut, and I couldn't have done it without all of the help and encouragement you've given to me over the years. ::snort::
That is an awesome blog award!!! :)
Congrats Wendy!! I got honorary mention....haha.
Do I detect a shade of sarcasm in that speech?
whatever--glad to help out a fellow book slut!
I still say you're more of a whore than a slut.
*following link*
*coming to*
And those are all still in your TBR??????
*faints again*
Congrats Wendy!! you totally deserve the award :D
A thoroughly well deserved recipient of the very first Book Slut award. It looks good on you sweetie! :) Now I have to go follow the link even though I KNOW how many are in there! :)
Congrats once again!
Nice, Kati. Nice.
Although "Book Slut" certainly has a nice ring to it, eh?
Yes, AztecLady - those are ALL in the TBR. Believe me, the anxiety is so crushing that I wouldn't make it up LOL.
And for anyone crazy enough to follow the link - be very, very careful. I've had several people tell me they've lost hours over at Library Thing just looking at my collection.
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