March 19, 2009

Dippity Doo

I'm still working on my contest reading, so that means more book teasing in the form of blog fodder. When I first ripped open the package to pet the entries that OC RWA sent my way, Up Close And Personal by Joanne Rock was the one that made me pause. And scratch my head. And send up a silent "Oh dear God - please. Let it not be too horrible" prayer. Why? The dippy back cover copy. I mean, really dippy.

Official Back Cover Blurb:
He’s good undercover... and under the covers.

Posing as a live model in a sex class was bound to be hard—but Rocco Easton will, uh, rise to the occasion. The seductive moves of sensuality guru Jessica Winslow are no match for Rocco’s SEAL training. He’ll expose her scam—even if it means he gets a supercharged sex life out of the deal....

But things get weird when his sultry sex maven turns out not to be the con artist he thinks, but the victim of identity theft. Gone are his plans for getting even. Now he’s in protector mode. Because the identity thief is getting braver, pretending to be Jessica everywhere. Including his bed!
Seriously, my brain melted a little.

So for this go around of contest reading book teasing, I thought I'd write my own back cover copy for this book. You know, that wouldn't cause my brain to melt. Here it goes:

Super Librarian Cover Description:
Could he repossess her heart?

When an accident ended Rocco Easton's Navy SEAL career, he went to work as a repossession agent. Now his elderly father has been swindled by a smooth-talking hottie and Rocco is making it his mission to bring the woman to justice. Instead he uncovers a case of identity theft!

After a traumatic past, Jessica Winslow is determined to make her self-help Better In Bed workshops a success. But she's not prepared for Rocco, who interrupts her session on sensual massage. When she learns her fledgling business is in jeopardy thanks to someone stealing her identity, she'll do just about anything. Even if it means reclaiming her own sexuality and partnering up with one drop dead sexy repo man.
See, way better. Note to Harlequin: Will work for free books.


lustyreader said...

I'll never think of the word "undercover" the same way again...

lisabea said...

I'm writing my blurb RIGHT now and I'm

azteclady said...


Nine out of ten (or perhaps that's 96 out of a 100) back cover blurbs either make me wince in distaste or rant after reading the book because, hello? nothing to do with the novel inside the covers!


LoriK said...

Wendy they really should call you because I'd consider reading the book attached to your blurb. Theirs? Not a chance.

catie james said...

LOL--"Will work for free books." I like that. (Throw in "...and salmon sashimi" and you can count me in as well). :)

nath said...

LOL, I hope you get the job!! Gosh, that was soooo much better!

Cathy in AK said...

Yeah, that first one would make me roll my eyes and probably put the book back on the shelf. Yours is better, tho the "repossess her heart" part made me think they had a relationship before the story began. Just sayin' : )

Liza said...

You did a much better job Wendy! I love the "will work for free books". If I ever got a part-time job at a bookstore, all my paycheck would be spent before I left the store.

Wendy said...

Cathy: Yeah, me too - but I had to get away from the original "under cover" tag line....and I couldn't come up with anything better than "repossess." Heee, Harlequin should probably hold off on offering me a job.

Tracy said...

OMG your blurb is 150,000 times better! I would want to read THAT book. The top blurb...not so much.

Rosie said...

You shameless book whore! This was the best post ever. Here I am catching on my blog hopping and come across this. My laugh-out-loud moment of the day.

Can't wait to see the book review and crikeys, you probably just sold 100 more copies of the book with your blurb. reading?