November 3, 2008

She's Come Undone

Anyone who has read this blog for any amount of time knows how much I love the Harlequin Historical line. Seriously. Most days it's my reason for getting out of bed in the morning. Which means, I was mucho excited when I heard at RWA this past July that Harlequin was going to launch a new e-book-only short-story line called Harlequin Historical Undone.

Certainly every reader feels differently about short stories, and I'm one of those who happen to love them. I actually think it's the true measure of an author how well they can construct a story in a limited word count. I also find it a fabulous way to try new authors without investing a lot of time, energy and money. And a short story line that features historical authors? Seriously, I'm all over that.

So when Sybil asked me if I'd like to construct an Undone Spotlight for The Good, The Bad, The Unread, I said "Squeeeeeeee! Sure, why not?" So what's on tap for this week? Guest posts from all four authors who have launch titles - Nicola Cornick, Amanda McCabe, Bronwyn Scott and Michelle Willingham - along with yours truly reviewing all four titles. We also have a little teaser about upcoming releases and a contest! Head on over there, comment on any of the Undone posts (including reviews), to be eligible to win the grand prize of a Harlequin Historical gift basket or one of three runner-up prizes of a coupon code for a free Undone download. Like, how awesome is that?

Throughout the week I'll continue to update this post with linkage. In the meantime, be sure to check out what has gone live thus far:

Harlequin: They've Come Undone - Wendy's introduction post
Duck Flash - Sale, sale, sale!
Michelle Willingham's Guest Post - Title Jackpot!
Review: The Viking's Forbidden Love Slave by Michelle Willingham - What a title!
Nicola Cornick's Guest Post - Mmmmm, pie!
Review: The Unmasking Of Lady Loveless by Nicola Cornick
Bronwyn Scott's Guest Post - Sexy banter and thievery!
Review: Libertine Lord, Pickpocket Miss by Bronwyn Scott
Forthcoming Undone Titles!
Amanda McCabe's Guest Post - Sailing the high seas!
Review: Shipwrecked and Seduced by Amanda McCabe


sybil said...

Do you think it is just you and I who have such a huge lurve for the HH line?

If it is wrong I don't wanna be right. ;)

Wendy said...

Well, I know other readers who enjoy the line....but I'm not sure they're as obsessive-compulsive as we are LOL

Barbara said...

I LOVE Harlequin Historicals and I have known for a while that they were coming out with the Undone line. I can't wait to read them.

Rosie said...

No there's no one with as huge a hard-on as Sybil and Wendy for HH. No one. None. Nobody. HH should pay you royalties. It would be a tidy sum just on the books I've purchased alone.

Wendy said...


I read Rosie's comment first this this morning, prior to caffeine consumption, and I swear the word "hard-on" made me giggle.