October 15, 2008

Commie Librarians

I don't have much to blog about today, so instead I thought I'd take the easy way out and hit YouTube. Normally I don't "get" Stephen Colbert, but this video clip has been making the librarian-rounds and I find it amusing in a perverse sort of way.

There is some truth this piece. When the economy takes a dump, library usage tends to go up. The irony being that library budgets tend to tank right along with the economy, so public libraries are stuck doing more with less. We're trying people. Really, we are. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to build a wall around my cubicle....


Big Sis said...

I love KPL. We are going tonight in fact. The whole family. I'm too busy with school to read for pleasure but your niece and nephew need to reload on their bedtime stories. One thing I've pointed out to folks, the library isn't really "free". We pay taxes to keep it running. So why not utilize it? They even help with reference questions (about APA format for goodness sake!).
We are very lucky in Kalamazoo to have such a great system!

Wendy said...

And it's not "free" if you return your books late, damaged or flat out lose them. But if you're a good little library user - then yeah, it's free except for the whole Your Tax Dollars At Work thing.

Some libraries are charging for certain services now, but it's never to "turn a profit" and mostly to defray costs. ILL being a prime example. It's a great service, but dang between postage, shipping and gas prices, it ain't cheap. My library still offers free ILL. We only charge the patron if the lending library charges us.

Lil Sis said...

Preaching to the choir baby! I make it my first extra credit every year to show me your public library card! :)

Oh, and you don't have to tell me about doing more with less money - um, public school teacher. :)

Alie said...

LOL That is hilarious! I emailed it to all my library co-workers and added it to my Facebook profile :)

Liza said...

I try to donate boxes of books several times a year to help out my local library. They either sell them to raise money or put them on the shelves. I figure as many books and cds that I borrow for free each year, the least I can do is help them raise a little money.

Maria said...

I love my public library. I can't imagine not using it. I'm fortunate, my town library has everything I need, and if not I order it on-line and it arrives in days.

Three cheers for my library!

little alys said...

This is hilarious. Yeah, I'm usually a Daily Show viewer than a Cobert Report.

You can barely drag me out of the library I heart it so. :D

Liz V. said...

That's hilarious! My library buddies are going to love it.