September 2, 2008

Libraries: They're Not Just For Books Anymore!

God bless him. I haven't read a story this great on the Internet since I found out that David Duchovny is a raging sex addict.

Yeah, a few days in between wacky Hollywood celebrity stories. I'm not sure how I handled the drought.

Anyway, I've always found Josh Hartnett intriguing. He walks that fine line between gorgeous stud muffin and skeevy skeeze ball much in the same way as Nicholas Cage does (In one movie he's hotter than Hell, in another he looks like a deranged homeless man. I mean, how do they do that?)

Turns out Joshy has been a busy guy. And I do mean biz-ay. Yep, our boy was busted recently for gettin' it on in a library. OK, a hotel library, and not a public one, but still a library.

It's what I've been trying to tell people for years on this blog. Libraries are not only educational, but fun as well! Tee Hee

But you know what I really want to know? Where exactly did Josh and his lady love get down to business? I vote for Dewey Decimal 613.9, which is where one can not only find The Joy Of Sex, but the Kama Sutra as well.

Librarians. We're always here to help. Well....

Within reason.


Mollie said... AWESOME. If the stacks are a rockin' don't come a knockin'.

I heart Josh, even more so now.

Another awesome romp in the library....Atonement! Mmmmm James McAvoy. Yum.

sybil said...

dude the DD stuff started around 1990 he addressed it in playboy I think or playgirl and Tea did after they were married... of course both denying it...


poor dd should have stayed off the internets

Lori said...


Rosie said...

You know the DD stuff didn't shock or surprise...don't ask me why cuz I couldn't tell you. But banging in the hotel library? Dude! I hadn't heard that one until I read your post. Ho-lee crap! What next?

joykenn said...

Ah, my sheltered children! In the misty past (before the opposite sex was allowed to sleep in your dorm room with you) the university library ALWAYS had a reported dark corner where sex went on. "Everyone" knew about it and made pointed remarks when someone said they were going to the Library to study with The Boyfriend. Sigh! In these more unrestrained times folks can get it on in the Quad and no one bats an eye. They don't have to search out little used sections of bound journals or whatever.

Virtually every public librarian in "the old days" had encountered or been told about by a library page about "hanky panky" in remote corners of the library. Generally we broke it up or made very loud clumpty clump noise when we went to investigate to allow them time to pull up their pants--assuming they were consenting adults or young adults. Just ask any "oldtimers". Assignations in the stacks have a LONG history.

Wendy said...

Joy: Here's how pathetic the students at my alma mater were....

They tended to use the library for self-lovin' (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). Geez.

Sybil said...

THAT is just SAD!