Which is probably why I haven't really looked into Twitter before now. I don't text. I don't even own a cell phone that is capable of texting (I know, I'm a dinosuar). So exactly why do I want to become a Twit? Well, during the week I'm pretty much chained to a computer. And I come across the occasional informational nugget that can really only be shared in one sentence and not morphed into a blog post.
Plus Rosie is doing it. I know, if my friends jumped off a bridge - blah, blah, blah. But I figure it won't hurt to try. And I'm just narcissistic enough to actually think anyone, anywhere cares about what the heck I'm doing.
So yeah, I'm on Twitter. Follow me. Be my friend. Looooooove meeeeeeee!
I just joined.
Now I am addicted!
SNORT. Wendy, I just got onto Facebook. If you're a dinosaur, I'm the first amoeba.
Sorry, no can follow.
I'm primordial soil--no face book, no live journal, no myspace. Hell, no personal blog (just pollute other people's :grin:)
But I'll be here when you want to share something, you know, longer than a sentence :wink:
I don't text either - so I know this is far far far beyond me :) But yea Wendy!!
Let me get my nerd on...
Twitter isn't so much texting as much as that you can text a tweet (or get your tweets as texts).
It's more like your blog here, just shorter posts ("microblogging"), and there are just a lot of different methods you can send/receive tweets - and yes, the length was made for easy texting.
I like to use Twhirl, my Mac friends like Twitterific a lot too.
Next thing you know we'll get you on Facebook or using Friendfeed...
I've added you Wendy! I'm ephramyfan of course :)
Sometimes you are particularly entertaining. Today was one of them. This could be me and MY sisters...
If it's worth doing, it's worth talking someone's ear off about it.
If I succumb to Facebook or Myspace I want someone to smack me. Hard.
David: I've always thought Twitter was ideal for texters - which is why I had avoided experimenting with it. But I'm literally on the computer all day for my job. So what the hell? Why not try it out?
Might be time to warn people that my Twitter will be a vast wasteland on weekends and during vacays....
Rosie: See, Rosie thinks I'm funny! I liked that line too :D
I hope you're happy with yourself. Now I'm Twittering...jeez.
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