Amazon discontinued the ability to create images using their SiteStripe feature and in their infinite wisdom broke all previously created images on 12/31/23. Many blogs used this feature, including this one. Expect my archives to be a hot mess of broken book cover images until I can slowly comb through 20 years of archives to make corrections.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Worst Nightmare

Or in my case, "It's tragic. She only had 50 books left in her TBR pile." Oh who am I kidding? Like I'm ever going to be able to whittle down my book collection that much....


azteclady said...

*wheezing* Oh man, oh man!!!! *giggling*

Amy said...


Yeah, that's what I was thinking -- only 50 books??

I've made the executive decision to clear make some space on my TBR some time next week, probably the weekend. John and I are going down to the nearby storage rental place (climate controlled, thankyouverymuch), and I'm going to get a small one for my TBR.

Pray for me...

azteclady said...

Um... amy? is that picture your actual, honest to goodness TBR pile?

*is scared*

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Yeah, having only fifty would be nice.

Amy said...

Yes, it is. I'm a book addict. Embarassing, eh? Of course, I live in an apartment, so space is very limited, even though, by apartment standards, it's a good-sized place.

Oh, and I'm horrible at housekeeping.

Nikki said...

Fifty books in my TBR would be an awesome accomplishment. So not going to happen. Just when I think I've got a grip on things, reality steps in and slaps me.
And I must, must, must stop going to Goodwill and the Thrift Store. Is there medication for this problem? Is it called Prozac?

CindyS said...

Sorry, Nikki, Prozac won't help ;)

I would have a panic attack if I only had 50 books in my TBR pile and would immediately liquidate all my assets and BUY!!!

Amy - can you be away from your books? When we moved I had to box mine all up and they were stored in a walk in closet for about 6 months. I get very antsy if I can't walk up to my books and look through them whenever I want.

Might want to make sure you have access 24/7 ;)


Sir-Ox-A-Lot said...

Cuffs...get to it...whats with this 50 book shite?

Amy said...

LOL Cindy, that will be the first question I ask -- can I get into my place any time I want. I'm also thinking of other options with bookshelves and using wall space for mounted bookshelves on the walls and such.

Katiebabs a.k.a KB said...

If I ever get to the point where my TBR pile is under 50 books, I will be in a dark depression. My pile keeps me going.

azteclady said...

And to think that until this year (I blame lisabea) my TBR pile was under twenty books...

Kristie (J) said...

Oh - that is SO us isn't it!!! Thanks for the belly laugh!

Tiffany James said...


I am so there - I'll never get through my TBR pile. I just start making a dent and I hit a bookstore and add another tower. *Sigh* Oh, well! I shall strive to carry on... :0)


~ames~ said...

I agree - worst nightmare ever. LOL

Wasn't there a Twilight Zone where this guy survived the apocalypse next to the NY library but his glasses broke? That's scary stuff right there. LOL