June 10, 2008

Dear America

You suck. You suck hard core. You'll happily lap up tripe like Dancing With The Stars and American "My Ears Are Bleeding" Idol - but Dirt gets canceled?! Incidentally, my favorite TV show since Nip/Tuck got so damn inconsistent.


I'd console myself by going back to watching sports - but oh yeah....

My baseball team sucks.

I hate you. I hate your mother. I hate your dog. And in case you didn't know it? You suck.


Amie Stuart said...

One of the smartest craziest shows on TV.....say it isn't SO!


David said...

I never caught it, and am a little behind on Nip/Tuck myself, but there is a good amount of summer TV.

MayberryMom said...

Never watched "Dirt" but shows I like usually get canceled so it's a miracle that NCIS and Monk have so many seasons! LOL

Kristie said...

Awww... I am so bummed. I loved that show and thought Courtney Cox was wonderful in it. I swear, sometimes it isn't worth it to watched tv series anymore... all the good ones get cancelled and then America's Got Talent gets picked up again and again.

azteclady said...

And this is why I just don't watch TV anymore :shrug:

Katiebabs a.k.a KB said...

AL: Why would we ever have the time to watch tv with all our crazy book reading? :P

Katiebabs a.k.a KB said...

If they ever cancel Nip/Tuck I will go crazy on their asses. I need my Julian fix.

Kristie (J) said...

That's why I decided to quite watching TV unless it was a DVD. I haven't had the telly on in over a week now and it's a strange feeling. Instead I've been listening to the radio - a lot of the Tigers games 'cause that's the station I have on in the morning and I'm too lazy to change stations.

Sir-Ox-A-Lot said...

Such Anger...there is always top chef...


Nikki said...

So, L.M.C.P., tell us how you really feel.
And I will admit that the only thing decent on right now is Star Trek reruns.

Cathy in AK said...

I've never seen "Dirt" but heard good things about it. Guess I missed that boat. Le sigh. Have you seen "Saving Grace"
or "Burn Notice"? They're decent escapes.

Most real/reality tv is unbelievably awful, but there are exceptions. Thank goodness for the Discovery Channel. Mike Rowe on "Dirty Jobs" rocks, as do the guys on "Mythbusters."

Alie said...

I never knew you were a big Dirt fan. I never watched it because it got such bad reviews lol. Sorry to hear about it though!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Someone needs a dose of chocolate today!!!

(i too share your "the show got canned" blues....but mine are still about 'Firefly'...sci-fi geek that I am)

Love Ann (yes... my name IS Love Ann)
Chicago, Illinois

Wendy said...

Amie: I know! I wish it weren't true either.

David: I think Nip/Tuck has gotten very uneven. This past season some episodes were fantastic, while others were pretty crappy.

KristieJ: Oh Lord - stop listening to the Tigers! LOL

Cathy: I have never seen Burn Notice - and I think that might be one I'd like. And we watch a lot of Dirty Jobs! Mythbusters is a show we watch when we happen to stumble across it while channel surfing.

Alie: I never understood why it got such bad reviews. Courtney Cox was great in it, the writing was smart - it was a real guilty pleasure.


Everybody else: Yeah, I watch very little scripted TV these days. I mean, very little. And pretty much any reality show on the networks? Yeah, so not interested. At all.

Wendy said...

Love Ann: Well I did hit the office candy dish today - but dang, I loved Dirt! Oh well. Oh, and thanks for explaining your name! My first reaction was "Do I know an Ann? And if so, why is she signing this comment "Love?" LOL

Kristie (J) said...

Hey - they won last night when I was listening!

Cheryl St.John said...

Can't wait for Burn Notice to start again.