OK kids, let's play a game. How long do you think it's been since I last set foot into a bookstore? Go ahead, take a wild guess......
It was
March 9. Back when Nath and Ames
were visiting and Rosie, Lori and I met them at Borders and later for lunch. Gah. I know. That's
really, really sad. Two months, and no go to bookstore for Wendy.
Today the time had come. I had several gift certificates burning a hole in my pocket (thanks to my
Borders Rewards Visa credit card) and frankly I was starting to get the shakes. So I parked The Boyfriend in front of the TV, and off I went. Here's what I got after I forked over my wad of gcs plus $2 and some change:
Unlawful Contact by
Pamela Clare - Simply put, I succumbed to all the Blog Land buzz on this one. I really enjoyed Clare's
guest posts over at
The Good, The Bad, The Unread as well. Damn. I'm still a little torn here because my one prior experience with Clare's romantic suspense was not a positive one. The heroine drove me insane. That said, I do remember conceding in my
ranting, raving review (such heroines have that effect on me) that Clare
can write. So I'm willing to give her romantic suspense another shot.
Taking The Heat by
Kathryn Shay - The short answer is that Shay's an autobuy author for me. I buy all of her books brand new, typically the month they're released. The long answer? I have a sickness when it comes to "collecting" books by certain authors and letting then languish in my TBR for years. I adore Shay's HSR titles, but do you think I've read any of her single titles yet? Gosh, of course not! But there they be - sitting in the TBR.
Hungers Of The Heart by
Jenna Black - Look kiddies, a paranormal! I read the
first book in this series and really, really enjoyed it. Probably because the heroine wasn't a shallow vessel (my main beef with paranormals actually). Yeah, hunky vampire heroes are great and all, but if he's paired with a wet dishrag there's just not a whole lot for me to get excited about. Just saying. Anyway, this is the fourth book in the series. Yep, it's joining books two and three in the TBR.
Comanche Moon by
Catherine Anderson - This is a reprint of one of Anderson's older historicals that has been out of print
forever. I basically bought it on principle. I'd love to see publishers (hey, I'll even take print on demand!) reprint more of these long-out-of-print backlist titles by popular authors. Just saying.
Wild, Wild Women Of The West by
Delilah Devlin,
Layla Chase &
Myla Jackson - I love westerns. I also love books with naughty bits. Yes, I'm that transparent. This anthology features three historical western stories with naughty bits. It's been on my wish list forever. I finally broke down and bought it.
Wild, Wild Women Of The West II by Layla Chase, Delilah Devlin & Myla Jackson - See above. And once I saw that WWWotW now had a Part II, I figured it might be time for me to actually break down and buy Part I. Plus, I had gcs to burn. So I figured I had nothing to lose.
You lasted over two full months without a bookstore fix?
I blame it on your day job.
I'm with AL - that's a hella long time to go with no trips to the book store!!
I'll be curious to see what you think of UC - and don't make me do a Wendy, Wendy, Wendy on you *laughing* with this one. I know we had opposite opinions on Hard Evidence - but as you said - she DOES write good *g*
I would have gone through withdrawl after a week!
I should probably devote a whole blog post to this - but I've been feeling kinda "meh" when it comes to book hording lately. I think my TBR Anxiety might be getting the better of me. But dang, after two months I was really starting to "feel" it ya know?
Sheesh I thought hardly buying books in April was tough and I wasn't doing it on purpose. I enjoyed the post at RtB. Lots of book talk going on out here in Romancelandia. I just love that.
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