A couple of weeks ago The Boyfriend cheated on me. I know, it's shocking isn't it? I mean, he has The Super Librarian at home! So what did he do and whom did he do it with?
He went into a bookstore with another man! Yes, a bookstore and with a guy!
I love him, God knows I do, but The Boyfriend is not a reader. The only time he'll read is when he's bored out of his skull (he worked a night security job during his po' ass college days) or if he is being held captive on an airplane. Well now he doesn't have a boring job, and he owns a lap top, a personal DVD player and a PSP - so um, he ain't reading on airplanes anymore. I've tried, Lord knows I have, but it just ain't his thing. I read to unwind, relax and because I genuinely love it. Him? He'd rather be watching sports or a movie.
Even Super Librarians have dirty little secrets. Mine is that I'm in love with a man who isn't a reader.
So imagine my surprise when I get a phone call one afternoon. He's a salesman, and is out traveling around with a coworker. When they happen upon a used bookstore, The Coworker (a reader) wants to go in. So The Boyfriend, the same guy who would rather have a root canal or get his prostate checked than go into a bookstore with his loving, sweet and beautiful girlfriend, goes into this bookstore willingly and then has the nerve to call me on the phone to ask if I have any recommendations for The Coworker.
Hand to God!
Ladies, it's a bit like having your husband call and say, "I'm getting ready to drive our hot babysitter home. Oh by the way, did you take the condoms out of my car's glove box or did I use them all?"
Oh well, we all have our crosses to bare. The real sticking point here is even with me throwing this in his face (You went into a bookstore with Jason! ::stamping my foot like a spoiled Regency miss::) I still won't be able to drag him into a bookstore with me. It's a good thing he's an excellent gift giver, that's all I'm sayin'.
Did he use the lines, "But honey, I swear, it meant NOTHING!" or, "I we were drunk and things got out of hand." ?
Bastid! : ) Kidding. I'm sure it was all in complete innocence.
Oh, another *disturbing* thought: He didn't suggest a bookstore threesome, did he?
You poor thing! He's treated you most shabbily indeed. I think you must get even somehow.
Hmm, mine won't go to the library with me, but will go to a bookstore (there are bike magazines and a coffee shop there). If he went to the library without me I would be stomping my foot too.
LOL Too funny, Wendy! At first I thought you were serious and was like, "Uh oh!" ;)
The Horror!!!
That's actually pretty amusing. MM used to read, but I think he stopped just to spite me. It took him almost 2 years to read Flags of our Fathers and in the end I read the last few chapters to him.
Although, he does read erotica every now and again. :P
Now that's just wrong. W-R-O-N-G. Two timing bastard. So, where's he sleeping tonight? Doghouse maybe? Yeah, I thought so. Maybe, just maybe he cheats just so you'll chain him up in the SL Bat Cave and wear your cape. Just sayin'.
Rosie: Worse than the doghouse - New Jersey! Ha! Seriously, he's there until Thursday on business. And no comment on what really goes on in the bat cave.....
Holly: Definitely spite.
Janicu: I know! The bookstore has sports magazines! And CDs! And DVDs! And still it's a no go.
Cathy: Oh he knew he was in trouble, but to his credit he didn't offer up any pat excuses.
AztecLady: I know it! I give and I give and what do I get in return? This dreadful treatment!
A man who enjoys to read is a sexy man indeed!
Did he bring you back a book? Who needs candy or flowers!
Men. Humpft.
I am married to a non-reader too, so I understand you entirely.
Oh, No, all of you are WRONG, especially Rosie and Wendy! You must guilt him BAD so he comes home with chocolates, flowers, and other cool gifts. He's been twotiming you on bookstore trips with his bud so he OWES YOU BIGTIME! Since he's a good gift giver and a keeper as a boyfriend, let him know you are HURT, (sniff, sniff), and DEEPLY offended, (glare) that he doesn't want to stop at a used bookstore when YOU are with him but will go with his friend. (trembling lip) You thought you meant more to him than that (squeeze out a tear).
Whoever anon is, s/he's hit the nail squarely in its round head, Wendy.
Definitely, get even that way. Depending on your histrionic abilities, you could be milking this one for years...
*evil cackle in the background*
Ha! You all are giving me way more credit than I deserve. I'm a terribly actress, and after 10 years together The Boyfriend can see right through my BS. But Anon is very, very clever indeed - and woe be the man who gets into a relationship with her (assuming Anon is a she). Poor guy doesn't have a prayer ;)
I've been meaning to comment on this post, but I kind of forgot ^_^; sorry.
LOL, I thought your bf was at least calling you for a list of books you might want him to look up for. Not to give recs for his co-worker! LOL :)
Yes, I'm a woman. And even with bad acting you can make it work, Wendy. If he sees through your acting you can then grin and get serious. Look troubled and say it REALLY did hurt. That he could willingly do something with his male friends that he is willing to do with you....(pause) does kind of hurt especially when you've been missing him. Guilt CAN work, believe me, I've been married to the same guy for over 40 years!
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