April 13, 2008

Little Miss Crabby Pants Is Not Amused

I'm sick. Again. One month after the last time I had this stomach virus from Hell. How did this happen? Has it been incubating in the office and I was just lucky enough to get it again? Was it from eating seafood for dinner last night? From watching my Detroit Tigers try to play the game of baseball?

My body is betraying me. It wants everything out of my system, and it's using every avenue available to it. Never mind there is now officially nothing left in my stomach.

I want to die. Someone please kill me. Whine, whine, whine.


sybil said...

but your ereader lurves you

there there you bes ok

Katiebabs a.k.a KB said...

AWWW... I would send you some ginger ale and saltines. I find those are the best thing for a sick tummy.
Have you also tried white rice form a Chinese restaurant? That works to settle the tummy also.

Rosie said...

Well doesn't that just suck... Are you sure it's the stomach flu and not anything else?

Holly said...

I wonder what Rosie is trying to imply? The same thing I've been hearing every day for the last month? Just curious. ;)

Sorry you're sick. Sick sucks big donkey balls. But I really love your Miss Crabby Pants pic.

Wendy said...

I'm thinking if it was "something else" it would be constant. Not sick for a few days, then all better, then one month later back to being sick. And wouldn't it only be coming out of one escape hatch?

And, um - not without airing too much of my personal laundry on the blog....

I know it's not that. I'm a girl who takes certain precautions.

No, I think God just hates me.

azteclady said...

*sending positive thoughts your way*

I usually try for something like oatmeal to help settle the stomach.

I hope you get all better soonest--and stay better! *hug*

Wendy said...

Sybil: I know! I'm still really excited even if I do feel like crap.

Holly: I think Little Miss Crabby Pants resembles my mother when she was younger. Maybe my sisters will pop in and offer their opinion. Big and Lil Sis: It's the chin, cheeks and invisible eyebrows that seal it for me (Mom has a fine English complexion, exactly like mine for those of you who've met me!)

Thanks for the food suggestions everybody. Today it's been plain toast and water. Ugh. I eat, keep it down for a couple of hours....then, the inevitable happens. I'd also like to add that while I was thinking I got sick from watching my miserable Tigers, I'm voting for incubation. It's worse this second time around than it was the first. Blah.

Cathy in AK said...

My heart goes out to you. Hope you feel better soon.

And BTW, yes, *that* can make you ill off and on, and potentially in both directions. But if you're sure.... ; )

Lil Sis said...

Yeah it kinda does look like mom. :) Like Aunt Betty too in the face...

Oh, and mom does so have eyebrows - she pencils them in daily! :)

Wendy said...

Cathy: Doubly sure it's not that. I checked.

Lil' Sis: My bad. Mom does have eyebrows!

Feel better today, but called in sick to work anyway. Last time I had this I thought I was "all better" after 24 hours then it came back with a vengeance for a couple of days. Never let it be said that Super Librarian does not learn her lesson(s).

Cheryl St.John said...

But you look cute, and that's so important.

{{{HUGS}}} and good vibes for healing.

Lynn/Elsandra said...

Your Tigers finally winning must have helped you feel better, even if it was at the expense of my Twins. ( I am a Detroit fan too but always pick the Twins first).