April 20, 2008

Invitation To The Ball

We have winners for the Georgette Heyer/Sourcebooks contest!

Big congratulations to Andrea, Jenifer, Trish, Janicu, and Denise!

Ladies you have until Friday, April 25 to e-mail me your shipping address. After that, I'll draw runner-up winner(s). Books will be shipped directly from the fine folks at Sourcebooks. Thanks for playing everybody!


trish said...

WOOHOO How awesome :) Thanks I'll shoot my info right now.

Wendy said...

For those of you waiting with bated breath - sorry! All the winners got back to me in record time with their addresses. Better luck next time!

And to the winners: I just e-mailed your shipping information to my contact at Sourcebooks.

azteclady said...

*applause* Yay! excellent!

So, whatcha reading first, Wendy?

Wendy said...

Azteclady: Ha! Well Jennie really sold me on Venetia - but who the heck knows when I'll actually get to it. I've got a lot of books on my plate at the moment.....

Alie said...

Always a bridesmaid never a bride ;) Congrats to all!

~ames~ said...

Congrats to the winners. :P

Andrea said...

I just wanted to let you know I received my copy of False Colours in the mail today!! I would have had it earlier but Fedex works such strange hours so I had it redirected to my office.

Thank you thank you thank you for having this contest, I'm so excited to read it!