March 18, 2008

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Today's the day. The day the Bat Cave announces the winner of our first ever contest! The lucky winner of the three romances from Grand Central Publishing is:


Thanks to everyone who entered. Some of your "ear worms" and stories had me laughing out loud. AztecLady - please e-mail me your shipping address by March 25 or I draw a new winner at random.


Katiebabs a.k.a KB said...

Azteclady has done it again! :)

azteclady said...

I'm speechless!

I want to thank the Academy and my family for believing in ...


Sorry, wrong speech.


Thank you, Wendy, it's a great honor to be the first ever winner! *happy dancing*

*off to email address*

(thanks, katie(babs) *grin*)

Alie said...

Awww :( LOL

Rosie said...

Hey SL, I just had to comment on the vid for Mr. Paul McCartney. I played it recently for the exceptional choice of a bride my Dad made. But it's also appropriate for Ms. Heather...who as we speak is filing papers in court to have the settlement details sealed. Yeah. She's got nuthin' to hide.

Wendy said...

Rosie: I know it! She's claiming she wants the records sealed because of their daughter. Um, suuurrrreeee......

The thing that always struck me as fishy? When they said the reason for their break-up was all the unwanted media attention. OK, what is wrong with this picture? Linda was hounded for years by "fans" who felt she was responsible for breaking up the Beatles. Breaking. Up. The. Beatles! Puhleeze, anything the public threw Heather's way prior to her split with Paul was a trip to paradise in comparison.

And neither here nor there, I totally dig the chicks in that video.

Cathy in AK said...

Congrats, Azteclady! We all know how hard you worked for this ; )

So when's the next contest, Wendy??? No pressure, just asking : )

Wendy said...

Next contest? There's nothing planned for the immediate future, although I'm thinking I'll be doing a big giveaway after RWA if all goes according to plan. You'll have a while to wait for that one though (August).

Alie said...

LOL You should have a contest and give away some books in your TBR pile. We'll even review them for you :)

azteclady said...

allie, you are a genius!

So, how about it, Wendy? :cheeky grin:

Wendy said...

Alie and AztecLady: Um, no. Not a bad idea in theory, but none of y'all are fools. You'd all flock to the hard-to-find books I have lying around. And those are MINE! All MINE! ::insert maniacal laughter here::

azteclady said...

::kicking rock:: rats!

alie, she's on to our ebol ways.

Okay, I'll just bide my time until after RWA ::rubbing hands gleefully::