March 16, 2008

Still Sick, Please Shoot Me

Sigh, this is getting old. I called in sick to work on Friday and basically spent the whole day lying on the couch moaning (and finishing Baby, I'm Yours). I subsisted on dry toast and water. I felt like a limp dish rag. But I somehow managed to get some sleep Friday night, and woke up feeling pretty good on Saturday. We ran errands. We went out to lunch. And well, you can guess what happened after that. After a lunch that wasn't dry toast, I started feeling puny again. I soldiered on. I told myself I had turned the corner. Then I got the migraine from Hell last night, didn't sleep again, and spent this morning sitting on my bathroom floor examining how clean my toilet is (the verdict = not bad but not great). So my theory that I had a 24-hour stomach bug turned out to be a pretty crappy one.

Believe it or not, I would really like to go into work on Monday and, oh I don't know, get some actual work done. Maybe if I spend another day moaning on the couch and whining to The Boyfriend (I'm a horrible sick person, I'm a big enough person to admit it), I can get in at least half a day. Blah.


azteclady said...

*sending positive thoughts Wendy's way* I hope you feel much better by morning.

Jessica said...

Ah, I's sorry that you you're still feeling puny. Hopefully tomorrow morning will find you feeling much improved!

Rosie said...

Aw shucks Wendy. I guess when super heroes get sick that get 'super' sick too, huh? Hope you feel better soon.

Cathy in AK said...

It's Sunday so you shouldn't *have* to do anything other than recoup on the couch. Cover up with a comfy blanket and watch a movie you know by heart so when you nod off and miss a bit you still know where you are in the story : )

Feel better.

CindyS said...

From those of us who aren't sick: Keep your sicky self home!!!

I really hope you are feeling better. Apparently my SIL started up chucking last night at my Mom's and I was over there tonight. I start to sweat when I feel a potential for sickness. Yuck!


Joy said...

I hope you didn't drag yourself to work today (Monday)! My husband kindly shared a really, really bad cold with me and I struggled in to work for three days before I decided they didn't need my fevered ramblings at work. Its been weeks and I still haven't got my stamina back! Sigh. It's best to give in and be sick!

Rowena said...

Ugh, I hope you feel better soon. Being sick sucks.