Now, I love Black Lace - but their profile here in the U.S. has been spotty at best. Sometimes I find them in bookstores, sometimes I don't. Most of the time I have to do the homework on my own and order online (god bless Amazon). I must have signed up for this newsletter ages ago, but this is the first one I've ever received. I hope they keep it up, because it will certainly streamline things when it comes to making out my Black Lace wish list.
Actually, that might be a bad thing....for my wallet.
Hopefully this will work - you can see a copy of the newsletter here. You can sign up for the newsletter here. And you can visit the fine folks of Black Lace here.
Happy, happy day!
Is that book cover an accurate depiction of what happens in the off-limits-to-the-general-public reference section? Man, I KNEW I should have gone into Library Science instead of biology....
I haven't read a Black Lace book, but my toe-dipping into erotica is fairly recent. Any recommendations?
Cathy: Yes, it is. Yes, indeedy do. (Ha! I wish! But we librarians can be a naughty bunch).
Black Lace recs: I think Emma Holly's best work was with Black Lace. I'm still working through her backlist but I adored Cooking Up A Storm and In The Flesh. Most readers point to Menage as a favorite, but alas, still in my TBR. Oh, and these have all been reprinted recently.
Also, if you can find a copy - The Tutor by Portia Da Costa is very, very good - but I believe it's out of print and pricey. Quite a few titles in Da Costa's Black Lace backlist have been reprinted recently. I'm hoping this one is eventually as well.....
Hi Wendy!
I've done a bit of nagging about getting The Tutor reprinted. There were mutterings about it coming out next year. Hopefully... :)
Gemini Heat comes out at the end of May. That was my first ever Black Lace. Same publication day as Gothic Heat, my very latest!
Sorry about the shameless promo...
ps. the marketing/promo department never tell us about these newsletters and whatnot... we writers are always the last to know anything. So, thanks ever so much for this post. I'll sign up and see what they've got to say about their very own naughty [ex] librarian!
pps. will you be at RWA! We naughty librarians should hang together! :)
Actually, that cover is perfect for the book that I'm just editing and polishing now!
In fact, I wrote that very scene... LOL
Portia: I'm so glad you're writing another librarian heroine! I loved Rosie in The Tutor, and do hope they reprint it. Maybe I need to start a letter writing campaign to Black Lace?
And yes, I'll be at RWA! We will have to stalk each other.
Thank you, Wendy. You know Black Lace is a favorite of mine.
Good Lord! I'm totally jealous. Portia Da Costa reads your blog.
The Tutor is one of my favorites as is GEMINI HEAT.
Wendy, is that book about your days at work? LOL
I have been reading too many Black Lace books to count and they are quite shocking.
Nothing like a good old nympho librarian to keep the juices flowing. Love among the stacks right between the romance and the encyclopdias.
I I NEED to read that book. It might give clues to who the real librarian is behind the cape.
Also to Cathy in AK, I loved the Menage by Emma Holly. It's not what you think.
A Black Lace book with a sexy siren named Rosie? I gotta read that.
Wendy, I love your nympho librarian cover. That is an extremely hawt cover. And I agree with you about Emma Holly's Black Lace books. They are awesome. I'll be searching for a copy of The Tutor.
I'm a lurker on here and saw the title and cover of that book and fell in love. That is so awesome! Don't even read erotica and I'm interested.
That book cover and book title was the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Thanks for helping start my day with a laugh.
BTW, I'm tagging you with the four things meme. If you do it, please link back to me and tag only two people in return.
LOL, on the Nympho Librarian!!!
Thanks for the recommendations. Time to warm up the credit card ; )
That is, bar none, the best book cover EVER!!! Srsly.
Re: Nympho Librarian - I use Photobucket to host my graphics and stole that book cover from somebody over there. I'm assuming it was a real book, probably published back during the pulp hey-days given the battered image of the graphic.
Pulp books were pretty much disposable (hence the name) but when I get to work on Monday I might have to see if I can track this bad boy down. I'm guessing probably not - although I do know of at least one U.S. university (whose name escapes me at the moment) that has a very nice collection of pulp novels and covers. So maybe it is cataloged somewhere.....
Talk about a classic cover! Wendy if you find that book and auction it on EBay you'll make a pretty penny :)
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