February 28, 2008

I Is This Many

Today the Bat Cave is festooned with streamers, balloons, and oh look - there's a game of pin the oily pectorals on Fabio over there in the corner. That's right kiddies - today The Misadventures Of Super Librarian is five years old. Which I guess means we're now ready to ride the school bus and learn how to read.

It's been an interesting five years. In the beginning I don't think anybody was reading this blog that wasn't blood related. It was around the time I moved to California and had really interesting (and downright bizarre) library stories to share that some of you started showing up. And when I got a "boring" job in administration (albeit a pretty damn cool job as I get to buy adult fiction for an obscene amount of libraries) some of you actually stuck around. I'm not even serving punch and pie. Who knew people would actually care (or pretend to care) about anything I had to say? Of course The Boyfriend is convinced I could talk a brick wall to death - so maybe some of you are simply in some kind of shocked-induced stupor.

Lots has happened here in our little corner of Romance Bloglandia since 2003. By my counts, back in 2003 there were three of us. Rosario, LLB and me. And what a motley crew we made. Then something really cool happened. More of you started showing up. Interesting individual voices crying out from the wilderness. Collective and group blogs began appearing. Professional, silly, controversial, diverse, thought-provoking - you all started arriving, suitcase in hand and a box of books under your arm. You set up camp. You staked your claim. You carved out your own little piece of wilderness.

(Amazing, I can even evoke western cliches in a benign post about my blog anniversary. It's a gift I tells ya!)

Over the past five years there have been cries, gnashing of teeth and much caterwauling about mean girls, the shrinking barriers between authors and readers, and the rising author vs. reader debate. But me, I say bring it on. Because five years ago, there were only three and we were lonely. More voices isn't always a bad thing. And even if it is? I can steer the Batmobile away from your camp site and move further down stream. Amazing how free will works huh?

This is one of few instances where I think the Internet is a truly amazing thing. I have met so many wonderful, interesting and intelligent women thanks to blogging. We all come from different backgrounds, have different beliefs, but one thing units us. The "silly" and "trivial" world of romance novels. So while critics may sneer, and our friends and family marvel at our insatiable book habit - nothing that can bring so many people together can easily be dismissed as "silly" or "trivial." Because despite our differences, we are united. Heck, we could damn near take over the world! ::insert maniacal laughter here::

OK, maybe not. But it's still pretty dang cool. I'm glad I got bored one day and decided to try blogging. Cuz honestly, it's still fun even after five years.


Mollie said...

WOW Five years! Awesome! I just passed the 1 year mark. And I've been in a Romance slump (although I've been flying through the YA's) so haven't actually had many reviews up. Sigh.

Congrats on 5 years!!!!!!!!!!

Kay Webb Harrison said...

Greetings and Felicitations!
I enjoy reading your blog very much. Wishing you many happy returns,

Lil' Sis said...

Um, where's the free punch and pie? I was told there would be punch and pie. :)

People will come if you put "free punch and pie!"

a real librarian said...

Happy birthday!!!!

Andrea said...

Congratulations on five years!!

Rosie said...

"Oogum, oogum, boogum baby you've cast your spell on me."

How can I not read a blog that uses the words 'festooned' and 'oily pectorals' in same sentence?

Happy 5th blogiversary!

ReneeW said...

Wow, I can't believe it's been that long. I'm remember I was lurking back then when you three started. Congrats! Um, I'm with lil' sis, where's the punch & pie. I'm hungry.

Rosario said...

...there were only three and we were lonely

Yes, we were. I remember being very happy when I found your blog way back when, and I'm still just as happy that you started blogging :-D

Congratulations and happy 5th!

Ana said...

WOw! Five years? Congratulations. I love your blog and I hope you carry on for many years yet!

Katiebabs a.k.a KB said...

You are my hero *G*
How far everything has come and you are one of the originals ;)

NoraRW said...

Congratulations. I'm glad you got bored, too.

Have some pie.

Jennifer B. said...

Happy 5th! And (selfish) wishes for many more!

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday! And here's to many more years. Cheers!

Wendy said...

There is no punch and pie!

Ahem, sorry - South Park flashbacks.

Thanks for all the well-wishes everybody. As soon as I get back to reading (haven't read a word in 2 days), we'll get back to our regularly scheduled program.....

sybil said...

Damn you don't look a day over 2.

Looking good ;)

C2 said...

Happy blogiversary! Happy blogiversary! Happy blogiversary! Haaaaaaaaaappy blogiversary! *imagine annoying restaurant singers singing and clapping*


Alie said...

Yay happy "birthday" :) I hope for 5 more years of blogging to enjoy.

CindyS said...

Congratulations on 5 years! I can't even imagine that and I have no idea how I missed you in the beginning. Probably because I didn't know how to search blogs (still don't) but I knew LLB was around and I can't even remember how I stumbled upon Rosario. And you're right, where there was once just a few, there are now many and it is just way too fun!


Kristie (J) said...

ACCCKKKK!!! I missed the actual day - but happy blogiversary anyway. Would da thunk way back when you first started what amazing friendships could be born? You were one of the early ones who inspired me to give it a try. And then I got to meet you and be roomies - Wonderful!!

Karen Scott said...

Happy 5th Blogiversary!

Laurie G said...

Congratulations, Wendy! Here's to five more years.


Ana T. said...

Congratulations Wendy! It's been fun reading your blog and I hope to keep doing it in the future!!

Lori said...

Happy belated blog-birthday!

Wendy said...

Sybil: Botox. Lots of Botox.

Thanks for all the well-wishes everybody!