Amazon discontinued the ability to create images using their SiteStripe feature and in their infinite wisdom broke all previously created images on 12/31/23. Many blogs used this feature, including this one. Expect my archives to be a hot mess of broken book cover images until I can slowly comb through 20 years of archives to make corrections.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

He's Already Tired

The Boyfriend is already sick of hearing me go on and on about baseball. That's right kiddies, spring training is upon us. And this year is particularly tiresome for him since my beloved until they start to tick me off Detroit Tigers have the best team, on paper, they've had in their 114 year history. Of course being the best team on paper doesn't mean much of anything. At this point I'm chanting like a voodoo priestess that my pitching doesn't melt down like it did last year. So until the regular season starts, let's all bask in some 2007 highlights shall we? Cuz really, it's getting kind of boring just annoying The Boyfriend....

Edited 2/25/08 - Well crap that was quick. The video has vanished off YouTube. Those of you who skim over my baseball ramblings will likely be very pleased. For those of you who care (or want to pretend to care) the video is still up on the Tigers home page.


Rosie said...

First, you are hopeless. My SIL called yesterday because my nephew had a baseball scrimmage. I was stunned to realize the season was upon us.

Second, I can't believe I got caught up and watched that whole video.

Third, since I had the time for once, I was able to check out your Video of the Moment. I've never heard of the guy, but enjoyed the music very much.

Lastly, I realized that February is you blogiversay month. Congrats on 5 years! That's awesome.

Wendy said...

Rosie: I have an anniversary post on tap for this week. Gah - 5 years! And there's no shame in watching the whole video. Despite my Tigers melting down, we had some great highlights last season :D

Amy said...

Wendy, you almost -- ALMOST -- have me jazzed for baseball season. Ever since my infatuation of Jose Conseco was dashed by his decidedly "real life" persona, I've not been too keen on the sport.

Wendy said...

Amy: Ah, I can understand your dilemma grasshopper. Lucky for me, I was never a Canseco fan - but I can feel your pain.