November 24, 2007

Dorothy Was No Fool

I'm home! Home, I tells ya! Home! If I wasn't Dead Woman Walking I'd probably be dancing a happy gig like this fella. The Boyfriend is still back in New York with The Fam, as he has a business rendezvous early next week on that side of the world. I have one day to recuperate, then it's back to the librarian gig on Monday. I have stuff I have to do tomorrow, but honestly I hope to be in a coma-like state for most of the day.

On the Lonesome Dove front (aka "The Brick") I'm officially on page 377. I was all proud of myself until The Boyfriend pointed out I'm not even at the halfway point. Around here we call him Mr. Killjoy. However, I was quick to point out that I'm only 100 pages away from the halfway point. Go Team Wendy! And my sister was right, this is a damn good book. Slow to get moving, but the characters totally rock my world. I hope to read more tomorrow in between my mission of catching up on my DVD-watching. Such is the exciting life of a temporarily single gal.


Lori said...

Welcome home! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I've never read Lonesome Dove, but the miniseries rocked, for sure. Someday I'll read the book. Hmmm... maybe the hubby wants it for Christmas...

Rosie said...

I knew you'd dig it once you got into it. I have fond memories of my own trek through the tome called LONESOME DOVE. Glad to have you back in sunny southern California. Of course the we greeted you with fires in Malibu. Guess the powers that be didn't want you to miss us too much.

Rosie said...

What tha? What was that I posted? I guess it means I should go to bed already.

Wendy said...

Rosie: Did you really post that comment at 1:30AM? Yeah, you should have been in bed!

I was walking through the Syracuse airport when I looked up at a TV to see fire. My first thought was that it was So. Cal. burning again and my second thought was "Oh sh*t." I don't think it was as windy yesterday out in my neck of the woods, for which I'm relieved.

Dev said...

Glad to hear you're enjoying Lonesome Dove. My friend's son read it and loved it so much he had to read all of the follow-up books as well.

Kristie (J) said...

Glad to see you're back. I LOVE the penguin. I'm listening to music right now and he is perfect beat to the song :)

Crystal said...

The penguin is so cute.I'll have to come back again later just to see him...