July 7, 2007

A Little Latin Love

An early birthday present arrived today from my older sister. My very own Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez! Look how cute he is! The perfect size for me to put on my desk at work and stare longingly at. And only a few inches shorter than the real deal. Tee Hee

I shouldn't pick on Pudge. He's like 5'9". Short men need love too. Especially short men with really cute butts.

She also got me a birthday card that plays Lady Marmalade by LaBelle when you open it. A song about a hooker. I also got a magnet that reads "Alcohol doesn't cause hangovers, waking up does." Should I be worried about our relationship?



Tara Marie said...

You sister sounds cool. I want one of those birthday cards. I get preachy ones from my sister.

...really cute butts I'm rather partial to Johana Santana's watching him last week was a pleasure :) Thought about posting something about it on my blog, but my Mom's reading it these days--she'd be shocked by "butt" talk.

Gwen said...

Can I borrow your sister some time? She sounds like she's a blast.

Lil' Sis said...

Sigh - I suck. My presents are late - although, I did order them a week in advance. Sigh...

Wendy said...

Lil' Sis: You were at the mercy of a holiday in the middle of the week. Couldn't be helped. It's my fault for being born so close to the 4th.