June 11, 2007

Public Service Announcements

Romantic Advances is running a contest just for authors. While we're in beta phase (and still working out the kinks!) we thought it would be fun to give away ad space. So submit your ad for a chance at some free promo! Hey, what have you got to lose?

Also, be sure to visit Sybil this week as she is spotlighting three Harlequin Historical western authors. If you read this blog with any regularity, you know I love me those HH westerns like fat kids love cake (copyright KarenS). So go forth, read, comment, and open your mind to the reality that if there were more westerns published the world would be a better place. Just saying.

Later today? I hope a book review. If not today, tomorrow.

1 comment:

Karen Scott said...

I do love that line, it's such a great way of explaining how much you love something *g*