March 11, 2007

A Scene From A Bookstore

A sunny, warm day with a high sky. Intrepid superhero in disguise as a mild-mannered librarian enters her favorite bookstore. Upon discovering the rack of series romance, she proceeds to pick up titles that are typed out on her shopping list.

Librarian: "I need more Harlequins like a hole in the head."
Bookseller: "Oh yeah, look at me trying to stop you honey."

Yeah, I went to the used bookstore yesterday and yes I bought more Harlequins. Like I need more. I have an entire Rubbermaid tote devoted to just my series stash. The truly sad thing is that I've actually weeded it a couple of times in the last two years. I'm that pathetic.

I'm at the point where my TBR mountain range is starting to intimidate me. I just look at it and have no clue where to begin. Yeah, I was a good monkey and plowed through 4 books in 4 days last week - but I came back from the UBS with 10 more to add. I think it might be time for an intervention. Or at the very least I need to stop watching TV. And while I'm at it, unplug the DSL. This computer is a total time suck.

I also haven't been reading on the weekends. I mean, wouldn't you think this would be prime reading time? I'm currently not reading The Collector by Cameron Cruise. While The Boyfriend is watching horrible movies on TV, I really should invest some time in it.


Alison Kent said...

I ordered EIGHT category books, er, SIX category books and TWO Mira's from eHQ yesterday. Hole in head. Hole in head.

I'm so busy and just started Jodi Picoult's new one - BIG MISTAKE because I don't have time to do a lot of reading. Ergo, the short books!

Karen Scott said...

Hey Wendy, I just noticed the H.R.H next to my name. I'm loving that a lot, lol!

Rosie said...

I try not to buy category books until I hear reviews from people. It never works. When I walk by where they are shelved and spy and favorite author name I get sucked in every time.

Wendy said...

Just to add to the insanity, after the UBS trip on Saturday, I went to Borders on Sunday and picked up the new Cheryl Reavis SSE, the new Carrie Alexander HSR (more on this in a future blog post) and the new Tina Leonard HA. So yes, more catgories. And since they were having a sale, the new Annie Solomon RS landed in my basket as well.

Karen: Somehow I knew you'd like that :)

Rosie: I buy categories strictly by plot description, although I do have some "line loyalty." These days the lines appealing to me are Next, HSR, HA and SSE.

Rosie said...

Wendy, I go strictly by authors. I was at B&N and picked up the Annie Solomon book and eyed the Cheryl Reavis. I've been reading her for years.