Older Sis: Have you seen the movie Beauty Shop?
Me: Can't say that I have. (Since this conversation, I have)
Older Sis: Oh girl, there's this scene where Queen Latifah knocks on this guy's door and he answers it with no shirt on. It's worth the price of a rental. What is that guy's name? You know, the African guy from Amistad. (My sister is horrible with actor's names)
Me: Ah, Djimon Hounsou - AKA the only reason I can sit through Gladiator. Yeah, he is fine.
Older Sis: Watch the movie.
So in honor of me finally getting a hair cut this past weekend, I thought we should all bask in the glow of Djimon. Yeah, yeah - he's a good actor, but honestly, we're women and all we care about are hot men that look good naked. Frankly, I'd get my hair cut a lot more often if there was a chance I could look upon a specimen as fine as Djimon. I should be so lucky.

I think I love your sister too, if she’s the reason you posted this picture.
Thanks SO very much.
How'd I miss this post yesterday? There is something a bit more satisfying admiring a truly beautiful man when you know he is as talented as Mr. Hounsou.
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